Put in above and spring kit uneventfully--I prefer manual safety, but on reassembly of frame, sucker won't engage. Tried and tried. Took it all down again, put it back together, same thing. Thought maybe I'd somehow messed up safety detent/spring--ordered new set (2 for good measure) from CZ USA. Meantime, put back in decocker, appears to work fine, took to range, 100 rds no problems. Got the parts in the mail, put in new spring/detent (as others have said, watch those things cuz' they want to fly)--same deal. but now notice that can engage in half cock, though trigger will still fire DA from there--but if engage at half cock, then pull to full cock, then safety is really engaged--just if you disengage from there, can't re-engage again while at full cock.
I like manual safeties though don't have super strong preference--mostly aggravated I can't figure out what's wrong. Any ideas? I thought maybe I don't have the ejector seated right--but the blockage seems to be more at the sear--?