It sure will be nice thing, but after all I learned with this and after closer examining two designs, I think it will not be advisable.
So, after I messed up things trying to use EAA Witness' .22LR conversion kit on my CZ-75 Cold War Commemorative I took a few pictures to share with the rest of you what I learned from this experience.
Similar... but not the same

EAA frame appears to be beefier... It was designed to support slides up to 10mm calliber

EAA have full-length metal guide rod

Here's also .22LR conversion kit. Note longer beaver tail on Witness.

EAA 9mm on the left, .22LR conversion kit in the middle, CZ-75 on the right. EAA slides have differently shaped firing pin safety as well they are in different location on the slide. (CZ's FP safety is further to the back).

EAA slides have both full-length metal guide rods and there's a convenient tiny nipple on the rod and corresponding notch on the barrel bottom, nice little feature. CZ's recoil spring seams to be stronger than the EAA's 9mm. That's something I might look next, although shooting 9mm EAA was very controllable and with minimum recoil. Note longer barrel on conversion kit.