Author Topic: Gun & CZ Newbie says hello  (Read 1689 times)

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Offline Cletus van Damme

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Gun & CZ Newbie says hello
« on: April 19, 2007, 09:47:42 AM »
I have come late to gun ownership. I emigrated here from the UK 23 years ago and have always had conflicted feelings about guns. Recently though I realised that I was just scared of them thru lack of knowledge. So I found a mentor or two, started shooting some and then took my CHL test. I aim to continue with further education so I can be as correctly prepared as possible in the case of having to 'use' my gun.

This is my second gun, my first was a Beretta 9000S which was fine, but there is something about the lines of a CZ that I really like. The 9000S was a bit too plasticky and swooshy looking - this looks like a gun!

Bought the Nato green P-10 at Bachman Pawn & Gun in sunny Dallas. $430 out the door.

It's my birthday on saturday and tomorrow a friend is treating me to a burst or two of some fully-automatic smg at the local range! I shall fire the CZ then. Ordered a Comp Tac holster.

Am wondering what grips y'all think would go with the green color. In the flesh it really is a dark OD green - I like it a lot.

That's all for now. I'm sure I will ask lots of questions. The forum already answered one as I was having trouble doing the field strip.

Best wishes, CVD

Offline William Chase

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Gun & CZ Newbie says hello
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2007, 01:09:28 PM »
Welcome aboard! Yet another Texan!

If you haven't already, once you get all comfy with your new P-01, check out the USPSA for some really fun things to do with it, while improving your proficiency!

"The right to buy weapons is the right to be free". A.E van Vogt
CZ75 P-01   CZ52 (53)  S&W 642  
1903 M96B Carl Gustaf Swedish Mauser Remington 870 Wingmaster 12Ga
USPSA Area 4, Brazosland Pistoleros