I have come late to gun ownership. I emigrated here from the UK 23 years ago and have always had conflicted feelings about guns. Recently though I realised that I was just scared of them thru lack of knowledge. So I found a mentor or two, started shooting some and then took my CHL test. I aim to continue with further education so I can be as correctly prepared as possible in the case of having to 'use' my gun.
This is my second gun, my first was a Beretta 9000S which was fine, but there is something about the lines of a CZ that I really like. The 9000S was a bit too plasticky and swooshy looking - this looks like a gun!
Bought the Nato green P-10 at Bachman Pawn & Gun in sunny Dallas. $430 out the door.
It's my birthday on saturday and tomorrow a friend is treating me to a burst or two of some fully-automatic smg at the local range! I shall fire the CZ then. Ordered a Comp Tac holster.
Am wondering what grips y'all think would go with the green color. In the flesh it really is a dark OD green - I like it a lot.
That's all for now. I'm sure I will ask lots of questions. The forum already answered one as I was having trouble doing the field strip.
Best wishes, CVD