Well as you know I bought some mag base plates and found that the fit was poor so I modified them to correct the fit issue,some of you got on me for not contacting the manufacturer, well you were right I should called them . I thought that well I fix this kind of stuff all the time and to me it was not worth the shipping back to them if I could quickly fix it myself. I did not consider that many of you out there who might use this product might not have the tools or skills necessary to do this at home. Imagine my surprise when yesterday at 6:00 pm est. when I got a call from Joe at bca industries asking for my help in getting the dimensions correct so that those of you out there who might want this product would get ones that fit- I was shocked and pleased this is what you want from a parts supplier one who takes the necessary steps to make sure that when something goes wrong it gets corrected. I brought my 52 and modified mags to work today so that I may contact Joe in Wisconson later today with the dimensions to correct the fit issue. They will be doing another run of the base plates and will send me fresh ones to review and report back to you on the fit. Forum guys Joe reads our posts and whats to make sure that his parts get the job done for us! Brian Ahearn, Easton Firearms Refinishing