Author Topic: De Santis SOF-TUCK  (Read 1094 times)

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Offline lklawson

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De Santis SOF-TUCK
« on: December 23, 2011, 03:44:55 PM »
I've read several times that holsters which fit the 1911 will also fit the CZ-52.  I'd recently had good luck with a De Santis SOF-TUCK and my P64 so I wanted to try it for my '52.  Therefore, when my wife asked for Christmas ideas, I sent her a link to the De Santis SOF-TUCK 106 85 (product number 106NA85Z0, UPC 92695-30530), designed to fit: BROWNING P35, COLT COMMANDER, GOVERNMENT MODEL 45, KIMBER COMPACT 45, CUSTOM 1911, S&W 1911 5".

It fits decently well but not perfect.  Well enough to wear and not feel bad.  There are just a few things to note in the pics below.

First, note that the holster doesn't completely cover the trigger guard.  The CZ-52's trigger guard is larger than standard to accommodate gloves.  The holster covers it for the most part but does leave a gap which can be seen.  I don't believe it to be dangerous, in any case.  Second, note that the holster is about 0.75" too long.  Personally, I like it because I think that it protects the metal, but some may want to trim the leather a bit.  Third, I have installed an external slide release on my carry CZ-52.  I have to be careful to be sure that the release slides into the holster.  Again this isn't a big problem.  I have to do the same thing when I use my Falco shoulder holster.

Normally, I'll be wearing it tucked, but here you can see it plain-jane IWB.

Spare mag. in a leather Schrade Tool holster.


Peace favor your sword,
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 04:57:16 PM by lklawson »
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