I recently completed my side mount installation. I thought I would show some picutes and talk a little about what I did and learned from the experience, just in case others think about doing the same thing.
Here is the mount that I purchased from
www.kalinkaoptics.com mounted on my VZ 58. I did some milling after purchase so that the BP-02 AK mount, which I also purchased for Kalinka Optics, would slide on backwards from normal. Usually it slides on from the rear. Mine slides on from the front. But not really from the front. I milled it so that the mount fits on over the slide 3/4 of the way then slides back into position then locks.
Another view
Here is the BP-02 on the gun with a Vortex Spac mounted. I did have to do some milling to the mount to get it to fit properly. I don't recomend purchasing this mount unless you want to do some machining. The AK receiver is straight on the sides the VZ is resesssed causing the mount to hit the side of the receiver. I guess you could use it with a large spacer pulling the slide away from the receiver. But I didn't want to do that. I wanted it in close to the receiver. There is plenty of matterial to mill off without weakening the mount.
You can see how low it sits alowing a good co-witness with the iron sites. I also milled the top of the mount and centered the rail over the center of the barrel line.
Here is another picture.
It was a fun project.
I want to thank my brother for all his help. He did the work.
Look for my scope cheek riser that fits on the original folding stock tomorrow.