Here are the IPSC production rules on what is/isn't allowed.
APPENDIX D4: Production Division
1. Minimum power factor for Major Not applicable
2. Minimum power factor for Minor 125
3. Minimum bullet weight No
4. Minimum bullet caliber / cartridge case length 9mm (0.354?) / 19mm (0.748?)
5. Minimum bullet caliber for Major Not applicable
6. Minimum trigger pull (see Appendix E4) 2.27 kg (5lbs) for first shot
7. Maximum handgun size Maximum barrel length 127mm
8. Maximum magazine length No
9. Maximum ammunition capacity Yes, see below
10. Max. distance of handgun and allied equipment from torso 50mm
11. Rule 5.2.10 / Appendix E2 applies Yes
12. Optical/electronic sights No
13. Compensators, ports, sound and/or flash suppressors No
Special conditions:
14. Only handguns listed as approved on the IPSC website may be used in Production Division. Note that handguns
deemed by IPSC to be single-action-only are expressly prohibited.
15. Handguns with external hammers must be fully decocked (see Rule, at the start signal. First shot
attempted must be double action. Competitors in this Division who, after the issuance of the start signal and
prior to attempting the first shot, cock the hammer on a handgun which has a loaded chamber, will incur one
procedural penalty per occurrence. Note that a procedural penalty will not be assessed in respect of courses of
fire where the ready condition requires the competitor to prepare the handgun with an empty chamber. In these
cases, the competitor may fire the first shot single action.
16. Original parts and components offered by the OFM as standard equipment, or as an option, for a specific model
handgun on the IPSC approved handgun list are permitted, subject to the following:
16.1 Modifications to them, other than minor detailing (the removal of burrs and/or adjustments unavoidably
required in order to fit replacement OFM parts or components), are prohibited. Other prohibited
modifications include those which facilitate faster reloading (e.g. flared, enlarged and/or add-on
magwells, etc.), changing the original color and/or finish of a handgun, and/or adding stripes or other
16.2 Magazines accessible to a competitor during a COF must not contain more than 15 rounds at the Start
Signal. Identifying marks or decals, internal capacity limiters, bumper pads and additional witness holes,
which add or remove negligible weight to/from magazines, are permitted.
16.3 Sights may be trimmed, adjusted and/or have sight black applied. Sights may also be fitted with fiber
optic or similar inserts.
17. Aftermarket parts, components and accessories are prohibited, except as follows:
17.1 Aftermarket magazines are permitted, subject to 16.2 above.
17.2 Aftermarket open sights (see Rule are permitted, provided their installation and/or adjustment
requires no alteration to the handgun.
17.3 Aftermarket grip panels which match the profile and contours of the OFM standard or optional grip
panels for the approved handgun and/or the application of tape on grips (see Appendix E3) are permitted.
However, rubber sleeves are prohibited.