What's up cz forum. I live in CA and this website was instrumental among other sources in helping me decide on the purchase of my first rifle, a cz 527 American .223, i pick it up on the 15th

, i can't wait. I've always been into handguns since i could legally purchase them (i'm 25) but i've decided to try my aim at riflery.
I was very surprised at my trip to the range today. I got into some discussions with some of my fellow shooters (strangers, a few old timers and others in their 30's, all far more experienced than me) about rifles when i mentioned i had just purchased my first rifle. When they acquired as to what i had purchased to my surprise 3 of the 6 claimed that they had never heard of CZ (!?), one of the others referred to it as a "eurotrash gun company" but none of them had any intimate knowledge of CZ and how respected they are, they just heard "czechoslovokian" and rolled their eyes. They didn't say it but the vibe i got from them was that i got fleeced and purchased some junker no name european gun.
My last gun purchase before the cz was a sig p228 and it just barely won me over instead of a CZ 75b (honestly i don't regret my purchase in the slightest the cz was awesome though) I've known about CZ for some time and that they make some extremely fine quality arms. I've done my research before i purchased all 3 of the guns i now own and oddly enough, i ended up with 3 european guns (2 sigs, 1 CZ) and i couldn't be happier with my 2 sigs. Why does the US shooting public seem to dismiss the european brands? Handguns not so much but it seems with rifles it's savage, remington or it's crap is the general consensus i'm getting. Are CZ's that uncommon in the states? I'm starting to wonder if people are paying more for inferior firearms and the european models are having their price driven down due to lack of market/brand recognition.
Either way, just thanking everbody in this forum for how informative your posts have been.