Author Topic: Soon to be CZ Owner  (Read 2449 times)

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Soon to be CZ Owner
« on: July 11, 2006, 09:23:25 PM »
Yep!!  Another TEXAN!  Went to my local Academy and spoke to my new buddy Pat.  He not only turned me on to CZ but also told about this forum!!  Question is:  I am leaning toward the 40-P to start.  What do you think? Is it discontinued because I didn't find it on the CZ Website!?!


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Soon to be CZ Owner
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2006, 03:20:32 PM »
The CZ 40P was not destined to be a long-term production gun, which is a shame because because mine is very accurate and my preference is the .40 caliber round.  If you can locate one, it's a good deal.

Welcome to the CZ Forum.


Offline William Chase

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« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2006, 03:45:13 PM »
Welcome, from YAT!

The 40P is an excellent value, when you can find them. As a matter of fact, Bud's Guns has some right now! J&G Sales can apparently get them, but I don't think they're in stock right now.

I was giving them very serious thought as my carry gun, but came across a P-01 for a very reasonable price, and since I already have a 9mm (SP-01), decided to stick with that caliber.

"The right to buy weapons is the right to be free". A.E van Vogt
CZ75 P-01   CZ52 (53)  S&W 642  
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Soon to be CZ Owner
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2006, 06:15:03 PM »

CK 40P: $268.oo
Concealed weapons license:  $85.00

Paying less than everyone else: PRICELESS!!

By the way - they have two left! (Price goes up to $398 tomorrow).

Thanks for the advice.  I am cleaning the 5 lbs. of oil off it now!!