Author Topic: Nosediving with FMJ's - tentatively ID'd as mag issue, looking for advice  (Read 1825 times)

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Offline MadAxe

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My apologies if this topic has been posted and answered before. I looked through the old threads and found a number of similar posts but not exactly my issue, so I thought I would see if any of you guys have had this problem, and what your solution was.

I've had my 97B for several years now and absolutely love it. Fits my hand like a glove and very accurate. Since 45ACP ain't cheap I haven't done much shooting with it until this past year, other than some initial testing and break-in with about 200rnds when I first bought it - which went mostly hiccup-free. However - I have recently had increasing numbers of failures to feed. After some testing (including polishing the feed ramp) I think I have narrowed it down to a magazine issue.

I've exclusively used 230gr FMJ factory ammo (Am. Eagle, PMC, Fiocchi, S&B, Privi and Winchester) - no wadcutters or hollowpoints at any point. Both magazines are Mec-Gar's that came with the gun. (bought in 2007) When either mag is fully loaded the first two rounds sit at a very shallow angle, almost paralell to the base plate, and markedly shallower than when only loaded with 1 or 2 rounds. When chambering the first 1 to 7 rounds, it feels very chunky, with a distinct 'klu-klunk' sensation in the hand, which I assume is the round nosediving into the bottom of the feed ramp before sliding up into the chamber. Occasionally (most often with the first 1-2) the round sticks completely, and racking the slide will not move the round up the feed ramp. The magazine has to be removed and the round re-cycled to clear the jam. On those occasions there is a clear smiley-face shaped indent in the nose of the round from impact with the bottom of the feed ramp.

That being said - the last 1 or 2 rounds in the magazine always feed silky-smooth with no jams and no 'klu-klunk' feeling in the hand whatsoever. Also, the last 1 or 2 rounds sit at an obviously and significantly more 'nose-up' position.

When holding the magazine and stripping the first few rounds off with your thumb from a fully loaded magazine you can feel the first several rounds catch on something before moving forward. I presume (but cannot confirm) that the rim is catching on the rim of the round beneath it, because when you remove the mag after one of the 'klu-klunk' chamberings the next round is almost always moved forward about 3/8". This sensation progressively decreases with each round, and again, the last 1 or 2 feed silky smooth with no catching/dragging of the next round.

I've tried switching the springs and followers between the two magazines without success. I've also tried sanding the inside of the feed lips with some 600 grit sandpaper, again without success.

Because I've had the gun for several years, and because I'm in Canada, shipping it to CZ for service is not an option. I realize that the solution is probably to simply buy a couple of new magazines, but I'd like to confirm that this is indeed the problem before I spend any money. I'm also curious if you guys have any solutions for salvaging the mags that I already have.

Hope you guys can help. Thanks!

Offline jwc007

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Re: Nosediving with FMJ's - tentatively ID'd as mag issue, looking for advice
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2012, 02:12:13 AM »
Your problem may be Extractor related.  Extractors don't just extract.  They slip over the case rim and guide the base of the Cartridge into the Slide Boltface, as the Cartridge is stripped from the Magazine.  If they are marginal or mangled they can and will impede proper feeding.

Examine the Extractor Hook/Blade for smoothness, straightness, and proper tension.  Also, it would not hurt to remove it and clean out the Extractor Channel in the Slide.

While the links below are for a Cz75 Extractor, the Cz97B Extractor is of very similar design.
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Re: Nosediving with FMJ's - tentatively ID'd as mag issue, looking for advice
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2012, 05:09:35 AM »
My CZ97BD came out of the box with exactly the same issue described here.The gun was built in 2009 but not sold to me till February of this year. I sent it back to CZ under warranty ( which is good for 5 years ) and they replaced the entire gun as well as the 2 magazines that came with it. You should investigate returning your gun for warranty service or at the least order a couple new mags from CZ and give that a shot.The new mags are somewhat redesigned and function flawlessly unlike the earlier design mag and my gun feeds anything I feed it now and that includes hollow points.

Offline Garonimus

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Re: Nosediving with FMJ's - tentatively ID'd as mag issue, looking for advice
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2012, 01:59:50 PM »
I can't help you with your nose-diving issues, but if you want to send it in for warranty work in Canada, CRAFM is the Canadian warranty center:

Good luck with your 97B!
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