Author Topic: CZ 550 single round loading device  (Read 1175 times)

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CZ 550 single round loading device
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:24:04 PM »
Angus. I am a die hard CZ rifle guy, and would like to be able to use my 550 in "F Class". This is a single round at a time sort of thing, and one is not supposed to be able to load from magazines.

So, I remember years ago someone made a neat single round clip for the Garand for slowfire, which I thought was pretty slick. Are you aware of any sort of device that might slip in to the magazine well of the 308 detachable magazine rifle which would position a single round in such a way that it would slide under the extractor on its way into the chamber?

I am leery about snapping the extractor over the case heads as I believe that such practice may weaken the extractor and lead to an early failure.

The only thing I could sort of think of was to modify a 4 round magazine by slowly dremeling the feed lips until one could easily snap a round into the magazine, to enable proper feed. Or perhaps take the follower out and make some sort of wooden block so that once the round snapped past the dremeled lips it would rest on the wooden block, and then feed as normal as the bolt is closed.

I surely would like your input
