Recently I got it in my head that a Zastava M57 would be a nice addition because it is cheap, and fires the 7.62x25 ammo my recently-acquired but yet to be fired CZ52 uses.
I now have two options: milsurp through Buds or CheaperThanDirt, with an added on safety which apparently mucks up the action and reliability, OR the newly-manufactured version.
As I know nothing about the Zastava, is this even a pistol worth getting? If I am mucking about with reliability issues with either, then I will pass.
Given my druthers, I would prefer milsurp, since that is the cachet of this piece.
But if the safety works ok with new mfg, and the new mfg is otherwise sound, then I will look at new.
Or, I may give up and go back to collecting CZ52s in need of new barrels...<sigh>
I would appreciate any thoughts, guidance, experience!