Picked up a 223 recently. Have been collecting range brass for awhile, little bit of everything. Resized, swagged everything and primed about 275. Been to the range twice and shot about 150 rounds. Picked up everything to do it all over again minus swagging.
I started tonight. I'm using Hornady dies, lubing the cases. Case goes in the die easily, primer falls out. Then when removing the case from the die it comes out smooth until it's time for the decapping pin and I'm assuming neck resizer to come out. Well it don't wanna. I have to crank on the handle to get it to come out and it has that metal squealing noise. Didn't have the problem first go round.
I have take the die apart and cleaned and inspected everything. Put a little lube on the neck resizer( or what ever it is called) just because I could and it works great for 3 or 4 rounds and then back to the problem and I know that is not necessary.
Brass was tumbled in corn and walnut mixture with a little car was thrown in.