« on: August 19, 2013, 03:55:00 PM »
If one had two CZ 75 Compacts, one in 9 Luger and one in .40 S&W, could the 9 Luger barrel be dropped into the .40 S&W to make the latter fire 357 SIG?
Browning Challenger III, .22 Long Rifle, Glossy Blue
CZ 83, 9 Browning Court, Satin Nickel
CZ 75 Compact, 9 Luger, Dual Tone — Satin Nickel/Matte Blue
CZ 82, 9 Makarov, Czechoslovak People's Army Black
CZ 83, 7.65 Browning, Glossy Blue
Beretta 3032 Tomcat, .32 Auto, Inox