The wife and I had a very good time at our first Steel Challenge.
We went to the event not knowing much else but about the safety rules and some idea of how much ammo and mags we would need. Before long we was grouped with 9 other nice and pleasant people that were happy to show us the rest.
The wife shot rim fire using a Kimber conversion kit on a Super Carry Pro. I was using an every day carry CZ P-01 and an ordinary belt slide holster.
We went into this with the mindset of just getting the safety and fundamental things down and not worrying about the timer. As the day progressed, I began to see some wisdom in a saying I read somewhere that "Slow makes smooth and smooth makes fast". Our best times and results were posted while paying closer attention to one step at a time during the course of fire.
Our scores had not been posted yet but at this point it doesn't seem that important. What matters now is re-arranging our work schedules so we can attend the IDPA meet next week.
This stuff is fun!