Author Topic: Okay! I am one of the luckiest guys in the USA!  (Read 3416 times)

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Offline Virginia Jake

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Okay! I am one of the luckiest guys in the USA!
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2006, 07:56:06 AM »
I had a chance to go to the local range and do a little chronographing.  I really wanted to take the new to me CZ 40B along just to function test it.  You know!  I had to make sure that the pistol goes bang before Christmas morning!  I asked Mrs. Claus' permission to take the pistol along!

"Nothing doing!"  "You must wait until Christmas!"  This is her common refrain!  Only four more days until Christmas!  

I think that the range is closed on Christmas!


Bob Troxell.

Offline DonPensfan

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Okay! I am one of the luckiest guys in the USA!
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2006, 11:03:08 AM »
I know your pain my friend...  I am waiting on a new SP-01 from Matthew Mink.  It should be here a few days after Christmas, but bleep the waiting is killing me.

I couldn't stand to wait if it was here in the house.


Offline Virginia Jake

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Okay! I am one of the luckiest guys in the USA!
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2007, 11:00:32 AM »
Greetings and Happy New Year everyone!

I just thought that I would write an ending for this story!

My dear wife relented at the last moment!  She knew that our firing range would be closed Christmas day, so Lanora let me take my new to me CZ 40B out of the safe, to go fire it at the range Christmas eve!

Our son came home for Christmas.  He has been away at school since July of this year.  This was his first time home since then.  I did not want to set a bad example and take my Christmas gift out before Christmas so I declined her offer.

We had a wonderful Chirstmas day.  We surprised family members with our son being home.  We opened presents, and talked to family members.  We had a fine meal together.  We played games.  Everyone was very, very happy!

My wife and son wanted to go "after Christmas" deal hunting on December 26, so I finally got a chance to shoot my new to me toy!

I had some 155 grain, copper plated, lead bullet handloads that I have been shooting through my old, trusty Springfield P9.  These fed and functioned perfectly through the CZ 40B.  No failures of any kind!  I switch up to some factory 180grain, jacketed, hollow point bullets.  These rounds recoil very much more than my hand loads, so they were not as pleasent to shoot!  However, I still did not have one single failure of any kind!

The range was pretty busy the day after Christmas!  I guess that there were a lot of very fortunate people just like me that were trying out their new toys.  I only had a chance to shoot on the fifteen yard range.  Over all, I would say that the pistol is very accurate.  I kept all rounds in an eight inch circle, (center mass area of an IDPA target.)  This was all fired strong hand, weak hand, and free style from a stand position.  I worked on single tap, tripple tap, slow fire, rapid fire and reloading drills.  I don't have a holster for this pistol yet, so I could not practice draw and fire drills.

I think that I personally could fire this pistol a little bit better if the trigger/ hammer were a little smoother.  I noticed that the hammer/trigger had a lot of hammer cam action.  So I will definately will have to work on the hammer hooks, and sear/ hammer surface angles.

Happy New Year everyone!

Bob Troxell.

Offline DonPensfan

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Okay! I am one of the luckiest guys in the USA!
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2007, 11:52:13 AM »
Great to hear you enjoyed your Holidays Virginia Jake!  And that pistol sounds like it functioned great.  Makes me even more eager to get my 40B back from Matt Mink.

Happy Hew Year!



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Okay! I am one of the luckiest guys in the USA!
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2007, 12:07:44 PM »
When I had a 40B, I never had luck with the lighter bullets. Mine shot beautifully with the 180gr stuff -- which suited me fine, as its generally cheaper.