Author Topic: Newbie Seeking Flush fit clip  (Read 2386 times)

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Offline redsoxfan12

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Newbie Seeking Flush fit clip
« on: December 29, 2006, 09:59:27 PM »
I just recently bought a 40p and have only got to run 70 rounds through it.  This is the first handgun that I have owned or ever shot.  I grew up around shotguns and rifles, but never handguns.  I am already hitting close groups.  I was wondering where I can find a flush fit magazine for the 40p. I would have to say that that is the only thing that I disslike about the gun. I am also having problems with chambering the first bullet from the factory ten round clip.  It's not putting the ammo into the gun right.  Please help if you can! Thanks!!

Offline unpro

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Newbie Seeking Flush fit clip
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2006, 10:56:14 PM »
feeding issues are known to happen with the 40p, fixable but not unheard of.  polish the feed ramp, possibly the mag lips if that doesnt help.  you can also replace the mag springs if you need too.  Also, make sure your racking that slide with decent force for that 1st shot.  

as far as i know, you have to replace the butt of the magazine with a flat plate you buy separately.  i could be and probably am wrong, i also just recently got a 40p so im still learning stuff :D

personally i prefer the bigger buttplate, fits my hand better.  im 5'11'' 193lbs so im not a small person.. i guess thats why.  

Offline EZ CZ75

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« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2006, 01:24:34 AM »
You are right about the base plate needing changed.  You will also need to use compact magazines since the grip is compact.  Those can be found on various websites, including, I belive.

As for the feeding problems you will have the pleasure of discovering that through play, practice and reading.  I would dare venture, though, that since it is the first round that is having issues that it has something to do with how you chamber the round.  Try just slipping the slide stop down and also the sling shot approach with the slide previously locked back (that is where you just pull slightly on the slide and then let go).

I hope to not sound condescending.  We have all had our "first handgun" experiences.  Some are just too old to remember them (you know who you are)!!!

Congrats on the fine purchase and welcome to the forum.

Offline redsoxfan12

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« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2006, 06:49:25 PM »
thanks everyone for the help.  I am going to play around with it until i figure out what to do.
Love the gun so far though!!!!!!

Offline HammerHead

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Newbie Seeking Flush fit clip
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2006, 10:19:41 AM »
The mags that come with the 40-P are 10 round mags made for the full size CZ75B in .40 S&W, with a large plastic base to fill in the "gap" between the mag base and bottom of grip. Remember, when the 40-P was introduced, CZ did not have a compact .40 S&W based on the CZ75 line, and therefore, had no compact .40 mags to offer with the 40-P.
If you want flush fit mags, I'd suggest ordering some CZ 75 Compact .40 mags from CZ. (Part #11108.)  Pro Mag makes a magazine for the CZ75 Compact .40, available at Natchez Shooters Supply that will fit flush. I have some of these mags, and have found them to be very reliable. (Some folks don't have a very high opinion of Pro Mag, but the price is right, and for a while, they were the only game in town if you wanted a flush fit mag for your 40-P.)
Good luck with your new 40-P. I'm sure you'll enjoy it! :D

Offline Bagwan

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Newbie Seeking Flush fit clip
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2006, 06:12:55 PM »
I have one of the Pro Mag mags and I would not consider it a very clean fit. The mag does not fit all the way up into the gun. I have had no problem with the functioning of the mag however, I would say if you want a clean fit you will probably need to go to CZ.


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Newbie Seeking Flush fit clip
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2007, 08:35:00 AM »
If you're having problems with a Pro-Mag, contact them -- they're very good about trying to resolve the problem.  

I've used a bunch of Pro-Mags over the years, and the only one's I've been happy with are the ones they make for the CZ "compact" guns.  The rest I avoid.  (Although I've had some good luck with S&W and Beretta Pro-Mags.)

Offline redsoxfan12

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Newbie Seeking Flush fit clip
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2007, 09:25:26 PM »
I have found a few flush fits mags online but not really worth $40-50 to me when the ones i got work fine.  I might try the cz75B compact mags though just to used when carried.  Still waiting to get the concealed weapons permit.  I just turned 21 in June and have been waiting for the permit.  
I went this past weekend and shot about a 100 rounds or so, and from about 25 yards away im hitting on the average 8 out of ten in a 4 inch diamater circle.  I guess this will come along with more practice.  
Where im Kinda new to the hand gun art, I was wondering if 180 grain shells were to much just to shoot with or should i go down some on the grain load?

Offline EZ CZ75

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« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2007, 03:57:56 AM »
This may be hijacking, but I personally like the lighter bullets.  I think that 155 JHP's are about the best for the 40, but hey, here is my opinion and it smells like a rose:rollin   Shoot whatever feels good, feeds well, and is factory loaded if for self defense.


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Newbie Seeking Flush fit clip
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2007, 02:03:41 PM »
I had the same problem with my p40 also with the feeding part. I polished the ramp and it seemed to help for a little while. I eventually figured out that the clips were the problem. Take the clips apart and apply a light coating of grease on the metal part that slides up and down inside. load up the clip and work the piece up and down for a while. Since I've done it my gun has not jammed yet!  ;)

Offline redsoxfan12

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Newbie Seeking Flush fit clip
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2007, 08:17:07 PM »
Just got back from the range today, well my backyard, since i live in west virginia.  Shot 150 rounds today and hit a antifreeze cap from 40 yards away with the stock sights.  Dead center this is a great achivement for me considering that this is my first handgun.  Finally figured out the problem with the loading, when chambering the shell pull the slide all the way back and let go and let the slide slam back like it would when firing.  This seems to work for me. at first i was trying to guide the shell in with the slide.  
I am currently looking for another handgun and was wondering what another good cz brand gun was?
thanks again

Offline Otto N Sure

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« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2007, 08:47:06 PM »
Redsoxfan!  You have sooooo many to choose from!  I think I'd recommend either a full size CZ 75B in either 9MM or 40 S&W or an old military surplus CZ.  My suggestion would be a CZ 52, but a CZ 82 is also a lot of fun.

The two MilSurps listed are relatively inexpensive and run unique ammo.  The CZ 52 shoots 7.62 x 25 and the CZ 82 shoots 9 x 18 Makarov.  I've had a ball with mine.


Offline hoosiercgvet

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Newbie Seeking Flush fit clip
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2008, 07:24:04 PM »
Well I always lock the slide to the rear before loading a magazine. That way you can just slap in the mag, and hit the slide release. As for ammunition I prefer a heavier bullet for breaking a gun in. Just my opnion. Well there are many great CZ's to choose from. Just depends on what caliber you want. If you want a decocker, or an accesory rail. You can go to and see all of their available models. Besides my 40P I also own a model 97 which is chambered in the .45ACP. Never had a problem with it so far. It is very accurate, and has a lot of knockdown power. If you want something that is farely cheap to shoot maybe look a 9MM. If you want something for a carry I would go with a compact. If not go with a full sized frame. The P-01, 75, and 75B are all great models. No matter what model you go with you can not loose with a CZ!

Anymore questions just ask
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 06:06:28 PM by hoosiercgvet »