Author Topic: Bayou Bullet 135gr  (Read 6199 times)

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Bayou Bullet 135gr
« on: November 15, 2013, 12:41:10 AM »
I've been in a loading frenzy over the last couple of weeks, and I am planning on buying some new bullets to broaden my testing and keep that going.  I just saw Wobbly earlier recommend to a prospective reloader that he should check with the crew here before buying bullets so as to verify any known issues, and I figured I'd take advantage of that. 

I have liked the BBI 125 and 147 moly bullets a lot, and I'm thinking that 135 grain moly may be a good fit for the shooting sports.  I'd go BBI, but I believe BBI 135's are just for Matt Mink's line of competition rounds, and you can't buy just the bullets for yourself. 

My next option is Bayou Bullets 135gr.  Anyone have anything to say about the Bayou Bullet 135's and CZ's?

Offline Old Rocket

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Re: Bayou Bullet 135gr
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2013, 08:17:50 AM »
 I will be interested in your test on BBs since I agree with you on moly bullets and always wanted to try Bayou.
 On the Enos form Darrell has a nice load work up for Bayou Bullets and uses a shadow as test gun along with a few others on that thread. +bullet
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Re: Bayou Bullet 135gr
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2013, 09:21:45 AM »
Thanks for that.  Should prove helpful.   :)

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Re: Bayou Bullet 135gr
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2013, 12:50:03 PM »
? Berry Mfg makes a 130 and 135grn as listed under 38 Super. These are .356 dia and shoot really well in CZs.

? Missouri Bullet Co makes a 135grn (IDP #8) as listed under 38 Super. These are .357 dia.  I have not tried this particular bullet, but it looks like it would load up fine in the ~1.125" OAL range.

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Offline IDescribe

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Re: Bayou Bullet 135gr
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2013, 06:30:23 PM »
? Berry Mfg makes a 130 and 135grn as listed under 38 Super. These are .356 dia and shoot really well in CZs.

? Missouri Bullet Co makes a 135grn (IDP #8) as listed under 38 Super. These are .357 dia.  I have not tried this particular bullet, but it looks like it would load up fine in the ~1.125" OAL range.

I looked just now and Berry's lists them as Temporarily Continued with limited supplies still available.  Even at that , they're almost 11 cents/bullet, which is jacketed bullet prices.  I'd rather buy Montana Gold at that price.

I will buy from Missouri Bullet Co eventually, but I've been curious about the Bayou for a while.  The coating is supposed to be a little different and better than the BBI.  I would like to see that for myself.  I've rather liked the BBI.  If I can do better in a moly...

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Re: Bayou Bullet 135gr
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2013, 07:16:29 PM »
Here's the data I got from Enos's Forum:
Bullet   Weight   Powder   Weight   Velocity   Notes   P.F.   COL   Accuracy
L-TCBB   135   231/HP38   3.5   935      126   1.142   
L-RN   135   231/HP38   3.7   969      131   1.150   
L-RN   136   231/HP38   4.5   1084       147      
Bayou    135   AA2   3.5   917      124   1.150   
Bayou    135   AA2   3.5   918      124   1.150   
Bayou    135   AA2   3.7   943      127   1.150   
Bayou    135   AA2   3.7   944      127   1.150   
Bayou    135   AA2   3.9   980      132   1.150   
Bayou    135   AA2   3.9   981      132   1.130-1.150   
Bayou    135   AA2   4.1   1004      136   1.150   
Bayou    135   AA2   4.1   1014      137   1.150   
Bayou   135   N320   3.5   970      131   1.130   
Bayou    135   Power Pistol   5.4   1100   Mixed    149   1.150   3.60
Bayou    135   Power Pistol   5.6   1120   Mixed    151   1.150   3.62
Bayou    135   Power Pistol   5.8   1137   Mixed    153   1.150   2.47
Bayou    135   TiteGroup   3.4   968   W/W    131   1.150   3.24
Bayou    135   TiteGroup   3.4   1001      135   1.105   3.27
Bayou    135   TiteGroup   3.6   997   W/W    135   1.150   3.58
Bayou    135   TiteGroup   3.6   1033      139   1.105   2.72
Bayou    135   TiteGroup   3.7   1023   W/W    138   1.150   2.95
Bayou    135   TiteGroup   3.8   1042   W/W    141   1.150   2.03
Bayou    135   TiteGroup   3.8   1051      142   1.105   3.29
Bayou    135   TiteGroup   4.0   1084   W/W    146   1.150   2.80
Bayou    135   TiteGroup   4.0   1076      145   1.105   3.22
L-RN   136   Unique   4.1   980       133      
Bayou    135   WSF    3.7   922      124   1.105   2.03
Bayou    135   WSF    3.7   931      126   1.105   
Bayou    135   WSF    3.8      Mixed    0   1.145   2.91
Bayou    135   WSF    3.8   938      127   1.105   2.68
Bayou    135   WSF    3.8   936      126   1.105   
Bayou    135   WSF    4.0      Mixed    0   1.145   3.27
Bayou    135   WSF    4.0   979      132   1.105   2.53
Bayou    135   WSF    4.0   982      133   1.105   
Bayou    135   WSF    4.2   966   Mixed    130   1.145   2.28
Bayou    135   WSF    4.2      Mixed    0   1.145   2.79
Bayou    135   WSF    4.2   1007      136   1.105   
Bayou    135   WSF    4.2   966      130   1.145   3.40
Bayou    135   WSF    4.2         0   1.145   2.61
Bayou    135   WST    4.0      Mixed    0   1.145   3.03

TheBulletBarn has an excellent 140gn 0.358 L-SWC that does very well in 9x19 and .38 Super.
Bulletworks has an excellent 130gn 0.358 L-SWC that also does very well in 9x19 and .38 Super. They also have a nice 150gn L-SWC if you want some more weight.
Precision Bullets makes a great swaged moly-koted 147gn L-CFP.