You bet on the links!
Ha. No, the sights are really straight forward. Large flip up are for daytime CQB/out to 100m and night shooting if you have the tritium ones (can buy aftermarket ones that still work). Otherwise, I keep them down and really don't like them much past 50m...
The 300m peep is what I use most of the time. And it's actually intended for a 250m zero and a 300m effective. The manual sighting in is at 25m (~27.5 yards) and do so ~0.6 inches/15mm low. Then should be on zero at 250, with ~2.5 to ~3 inches high at 100 and 200m respectively and five inches low at 300 -- aiming middle of mass, you're golden). The 500m is supposed to be on zero then w/ the different peep height provided the 300m peep is properly adjusted. This is tailored for the 55 gr 5.56 Nato loads.
Proper galil sighting using 300m peep is probably closest to a 37.5/275 yard zero (red line) in this graph (left #s/vertical axis in inches, horizontal axis in yards) -- basically, +/- 5 inches to 300m/330 yards:
*From this thread: the peeps is actually much faster than any other irons system I've seen/used. And leaving the peeps up only occludes the lower 1/3rd or so of the rear night sight so still usable. The M4 A2 sights are good, and definitely better for precision, but don't think they're quite as fast and require more dexterity than a simple flip of the peeps...
I do use a 50 yard zero w/ my 223 red dots, however.
Back to my VZ2008, I'm thinking a 25 yard red dot or fixed peep zero makes the most sense w/ factory sites done to manual/czech sighting in target specs...
I've also been toying w/ the idea of calling Texas Weapon Systems and seeing if they'd give the VZ 58 a go for a railed receiver cover. Their pricing is much better than Czech... then running either their peep or perhaps better yet an A2, wondering if they make them to/for 7.62x39 trajectories. Just working through ideas here...