Hi everyone, new member here.
I had my new B6P out at the range for the first time on Friday. Ran 100 rounds with no fail to feed, fire or eject! BUT, on 4 occasions, the magazine fell out! After the first couple of times, I was careful and kept my thumbs away from the mag release, but it happened 2 more times. I was only loading 10 rounds at a time, and it seemed to happen after the 7th round each time. The magazine seats easily without have to "slam it in". The follower is a little rough, but I loaded several rounds into it after I got home and looked to see if it was hitting where the notch is, but it didn't look like it was.
I ordered another magazine from Bud's yesterday to see if a different mag solves the issue. Has anyone had any issues with the magazine dropping? What should I look for?