Author Topic: Corrosive ammo regime?  (Read 2010 times)

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Offline ShooterDan

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Corrosive ammo regime?
« on: April 17, 2014, 07:26:02 PM »
I will be shooting mostly older military, corrosive and likely corrosive ammo in my "new" VZ58; any special or recommended cleaning/maintenance procedures?? Thanks, ShooterDan

Offline Sheepdog

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Re: Corrosive ammo regime?
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2014, 08:17:54 PM »
Water. All you need is water. Some folks have cleaners for the corrosive salts like Windex. But even if you blue liquid has ammonia in it. The stuff that neutralizes and washes away the salts is the water that's in the Windex like cleaner. Boiling water is a plus, but not necessary. Since the boiling water will heat up the metal parts and dry mostly, if not all on their own if the metal and water is really hot.

Dump, spray, wipe or what have you with water down the bore, on the muzzle device if you have one. Remove the upper handguard and clean the piston and the areas that are exposed with/along with the piston with water. Hose down or wipe down the bolt face and area as well. Run a few patches soaked with water down the bore. Then if you need to drive home from the range or whatever. It might be a good idea to spray done everything if a water displacer/degreaser like Gunscrubber or WD-40. Then when you get home or do all this clean and lube as normal.

This is a pretty good video of what I do. But a degreaser and the air pump isn't absolutely necessary.

Here's another one:

Both videos are for AK's. But you get the idea.
The trick is to get water anywhere the corrosive salts from the primers can get. That's pretty much the bore (especially since your barrel isn't chrome lined), chamber, muzzle device (if any), barrel threads, bolt face and the piston area where the gases go.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 08:37:00 PM by Sheepdog »

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Re: Corrosive ammo regime?
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2014, 08:40:16 PM »
Here's one for what it's worth:

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Corrosive ammo regime?
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2014, 06:24:18 AM »
Corrosion, from corrosive ammo, is a "funny" thing.

I have an M&P 15 in 5.45X39.  At first, I cleaned it the day I shot it.  Then something came up and I didn't get to it one day and I noticed a couple days later, when I cleaned it, there was no sign of corrosion.  So I decided to experiment.  I was out to 2 weeks after shooting it  before I cleaned it.  No issues.  I was beginning to convince myself that the Russian surplus I was shooting really wasn't corrosive after all.

Then, I shot it on a Saturday, came home from NC left it sit overnight.  I only looked at it Sunday morning because it was a pretty day, I had nothing else to do and I figured I'd sit out on the deck in the sun and clean my rifle.  HOLY COW!!!  I had to pound the bolt back, the lugs on the bolt and the locking recesses in the barrel extension were covered in rust.  The tail on the bolt looked like it had orange fungus growing on it and had already pitted - in less than 24 hrs., and I run my ARs so wet the oil slings back on my face/hands when I shoot them.  The flash suppressor was rusting as well.

I took it to the kitchen sink (wife was at church, so no questions) and used the sprayer to spray hot water down the barrel, down the gas tube, all in the upper receiver, in the lower receiver, I laid the bolt/carrier down in the water and let them sit and then swirled them around some.  Then I took everything outside, dried it off with a hair dryer (again, the wife was at church, so I used her hair dryer) and dried it off, scrubbed off the rust, cleaned it up, lubed it and put it away.  Then I checked it again every day for the next three to make sure I didn't miss something.

I was sick.  I mean sick.  I've never seen so much rust/corrosion on anything I own (I've never let my guns rust - I over lube/wipe down everything, oil on me washes off, lack of lube on the gun leads to rust/malfunctions).

The point is, don't get complacent.  The salts draw moisture from the air and concentrate it where ever the salt deposits are in the weapon.  You might get by a little longer in a relatively dry climate but get some humidity and the salts do their worst to corrode your weapon.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline ShooterDan

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Re: Corrosive ammo regime?
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2014, 05:37:38 PM »
Thanks; I have a bunch of corrosive Chinese ammo that I bought with an SKS several years ago, and I'm sure that it's VERY corrosive; in fact, after one of these hot water cleanings, I'm thinking about an overnight dunk of the parts in my 50/50 Hoppes#9/KROIL bath that I keep in a sealable 35 pound cat litter container. That should do it, I think. Thanks again, Shooterdan

Offline Joat

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Re: Corrosive ammo regime?
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2014, 07:45:50 PM »
I heat up a measuring cup of water in the microwave and pour it down the barrel and on the bolt and other loose parts.. and when I feel its good I clean it normally.  The hot water dries quickly without flash rusting.  Think black powder muzzleloader (in the bathtub) that stuff is much more corrosive.

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Re: Corrosive ammo regime?
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2014, 10:08:52 PM »
I love these threads if only for one reason...

...I just opened the safe and re-set the dehumidifier.  I also checked all of the bores and wiped everything down while I was at it...

Thanks guys!   8)
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Offline wanderson7262

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Re: Corrosive ammo regime?
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2014, 01:04:42 PM »
I use about a half gallon of hot soapy water when cleaning my AR or AK, any part small enough to go in the bucket gets submerged. I use an old watering can with a tapered spout to flush the barrel & piston port and a squeeze bottle for any hard to reach place. Then clean as normal. Been shooting corrosive 7.62x39 Yugo out of my AR for years with no signs of corrosion.