Author Topic: Milling Slide For Sights?  (Read 891 times)

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Offline Magsz

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Milling Slide For Sights?
« on: April 13, 2014, 07:11:29 AM »
Has anyone milled their P09 for an adjustable sight like an LPA or a Bomar?

Im wondering if there is enough meat up there to make this possible?

Offline Hdpearson13

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Re: Milling Slide For Sights?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2014, 12:00:04 PM »
If I recall right you can use standard 75 adjustibles.  But don't see why you couldn't get them milled to lpa. I really like Cz custom fibre optic cOmbat set up there close and with file and brass punch its a tack driver.  I shot my four staples off target yesterday with less then a mag.  At 15 ft.  The last adjustibles I had were on a Kimber eclipse target.  I liked them but can acquire target better with this setup w green fibre. I think it shouldn't be a problem milling the slide but smecky and Stuart on here should both be able to help you with depth measurements  if you are doing it on a mill.  They both may have a set for you without milling.   Cajun gun work and Cz customs.

Offline Mkodadek

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Re: Milling Slide For Sights?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2014, 01:03:26 PM »
Good question. I  want to install a 10-8 rear on the P07 after I pick one up in a month or so which means a Novak cut. Why? Because I much prefer a plain black rear with a U-notch and a Dawson Precision fiber optic front sight or an XS tritium on my guns. Personal preference I suppose.