How did you remove the right side controls? I've been wondering about that lately, if it could be done with no loss of function.
Sorry, dragonfly, I don't get a chance to check here too often.
I removed the right side controls very inelegantly. I took everything apart to make sure it could be done, and the right side is just piggy-backing off of the left side, but a part of the right hand side is needed to keep the pieces centered in the mounting hole since the holes are larger than those in non-ambidextrous frames. I was going to use a dremel to grind away the protruding portions of the controls, but got impatient since it was making a ton of noise and I live in an apartment, so I just used a hacksaw to cut off the extra on each of the right hand side controls, and then reassembled with just the small part of the controls that extends into the frame. Doesn't look the cleanest (as you can see above
) but it works great and cuts down on some of the width of the gun which was my goal. If I were to do it over I would have ground down the pieces until they sat flush with the frame when assembled, for a much cleaner look.