Author Topic: Ammo problem P-07  (Read 5624 times)

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Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Ammo problem P-07
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2015, 04:59:42 AM »
Yet another Wobbly diagram saved to my PC.  Thanks again.

I read that all the time (on the internet) - CZ's have tight chambers, short chambers, etc.  Then I think about how my P07 (just one of thousands or hundreds of thousands) will chamber ammo that won't chamber in my son's Beretta 90-Two.

Every gun can be different.  After all, people make them and inspect them and the tools used (machinery and measuring equipment) wear with each use, so even if set up the same each time, the product made changes over time.

I recommend to anyone that takes up reloading that they buy several reloading manuals and read through them.  Not just the data, but the text on how and why that's up front of the data.  When I started out I bought a Lyman manual first, then a Hornady, then a Speer and then a Sierra and then another/newer Speer manual.  Those books are almost 40 years old now and have data on powder that my newer Lee manual doesn't list.  I use the powder manufacturer's data from their web sites for some ideas on new powder to try (those old manuals don't list a lot of the newer powders and bullets).  I keep telling myself I'm going to get another newer manual at the next gun show, I just need to go to the next gun show.

There are two reasons why, on some forums, the first thing suggested when a gun blows up is that someone was shooting reloads.  One reason is because some people just don't seem to be capable of making safe consistent reloads and blow up their gun or a friends gun.  The second reason is because many of them read on the internet that reloads are dangerous and they just keep repeating what they read on the internet without knowing or caring if it's true.

Be safe.  Learn all you can.  Enjoy reloading and shooting those reloads.  Be safe.

I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline joedirt199

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Re: Ammo problem P-07
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2015, 12:54:42 PM »
Well i have been loading for over 15 years and never had a problem. As i was setting bullet depth i test with the actual gun to make sure it goes into battery fully. If not the bullet is pulled and reseated. I never load any where near max powder measures and many i my rifle loadings are capable of sub moa accuracy and consistancy. I was mearly explaining some of the hurtles i have found in loading for cz's. I have several other forearms that i load for and compete with that have given me no problems or safety concerns. Thank you for your concern and anyone that uses information off the internet to a tee needs to be very sure it is correct and safe. 9mm bullets come in all shapes and sizes and not all of them play well in every gun. I was mearly explaining what has worked for me so others may know. I don't reload for other people or sell my reloads so i take the responsibilty for my recipes after researching many different sources to include bullet and powder manufacture.
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Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Ammo problem P-07
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2015, 08:11:30 PM »
Me, too, about not running max. loads I mean.

I've found over the years that best accuracy usually shows up with less than maximum loads.

I'm running compressed powder loads (slow burning shotgun powder) in my 9MM and .40 S&W loads right now for the hollow points but the loads are still less than maximum recommended charges.  I don't care about that extra 100 fps muzzle velocity when the group size is the right size.

That's one of the neat things about reloading.  Learning what works well in your gun(s).  And then having a gun that shoots better than it did before.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline Wobbly

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Re: Ammo problem P-07
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2015, 11:28:16 PM »
Well i have been loading for over 15 years and never had a problem.

I loaded up some xtreme 125 gr 38 flat point for my 9mm p09 and they shot well with 5 grs of cfe pistol. OAL was 1.05 even though the manuels say 1.069. Bullet profile was hitting the rifling and having trouble closing all the way. CZs have tight chamber specs.

Joe -
All I know is what you write. IMHO, you now officially have a PROBLEM.

As i was setting bullet depth i test with the actual gun to make sure it goes into battery fully. If not the bullet is pulled and reseated. I was mearly explaining some of the hurtles i have found in loading for cz's.

A "hurtle" is when StarLine is out of brass right when you were going to order, or your credit card is full and you need to order more powder. When safety is involved, it then becomes a "problem".

IMHO it sounds as if your "system" is not allowing for variations in bullets, cases, and OAL delivered by your press... even though all 3 are varying with every round.

All the best.  ;)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 12:36:21 AM by Wobbly »
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