I'm looking at purchasing one of the CZ clones, and would be using it primarily as a range gun and IDPA shooter. It looks like the Stingray-C (the first clone I found, which led me here!) is the only model Stingray available, and I'd prefer a longer barrel. The Witness and Sar B6 look like what I should be going after, is there any other models I should look at? My other post asking about the Witness slides is because the ability to quickly switch to .22 would be nice, so the Witness may be more desirable.
I plan on picking up a M&P Shield down the road as a carry piece, so the clone doesn't have to fill that role, although for IDPA, I'll need a concealable holster for the clone, availability of that may drive which one I purchase. I'll probably use AIWB holsters for better conceal, so the longer barrel isn't a hindrance.
I look forward to your opinions! Been reading this a while, some good info here...