Snagged a 97b this week that's had a few hundred rds, thru it. Can hardly wait to hit the range.
If i decide to do a trigger polish, i'm hoping the calgun 75 walk thru will work.
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My honest advice is to spend the time/money/effort on ammunition, not mods. If you intend to treat the 97B as an SA pistol, the trigger will break-in and smooth-out quite nicely. That said, .45 ACP ain't cheap these days, so your situation should dictate your decision.
When I was younger and shot at least four times a month, I was sort of opposed to having a pistol re-worked unless I felt that handloading and regular practice had revealed a limitation with the pistol in its stock form. As I'm getting older, my views have changed some. Ammunition is more expensive, and I have a lot less time to shoot and handload.
EDIT: I re-read your post and realized that you are referring to a simple trigger polish, not having the pistol sent to re-work/customize the trigger. I can recommend the former, but the latter probably isn't necessary! Calgun and Cajun look too much alike at this hour!