Took it to the range today and put about 150 rounds through it. When I got the CZ, they included a copy of the test fire ( I assume done at the factory) which showed that the pistol fired to the left. Yep, the pistol fired to the left. Could be lots of factors, trigger pull, not used to a 45 and flinching, etc etc). It just seems odd that the test firing showed that as well. It did put all the rounds into a very nice hole but to the left. I am going to give it a couple of hundred rounds to get used to it before I start pushing sights and all that.
The pistol performed flawlessly with what is definitely range grade ammo so can't complain there. I did notice that it is very difficult to seat a magazine with the full 10 rounds loaded but that is a spring break in issue.
The trigger......mmm SA, lots of take-up on the first shot and kind of gritty feeling but I was expecting that from all the forum postings. It has a nice distinct reset so follow up shots are very nice. Again, I am going to give it a lot more rounds before I do anything at all to it.
All in all, pretty pleased with it and it definitely has promise.