If this topic belongs in another forum, please let me know and move it to the appropriate forum.
Yesterday I spent some time at the range with my son where I was letting him try out my CZ 82. We went through two boxes (total of 100 rounds) of a particular ammo which I won't name at the moment but the lingering smell is something I need to figure out how to get rid of. I had heard that this particular ammo is dirty and smells (maybe partly as the result of the lacquered layer on the steel cases) and certainly compared to other stuff I've shot, it certainly is.
Upon returning home I broke it down, cleaned the bore, the feed ramp area, the inside of the slide and other areas. I used Hoppes #9 and then wiped down and lightly oiled it. This morning I started to put it in the IWB holster and the smell of the ammo was still strong. Strong enough that I felt like if I wore it today people are going to be looking at me in a funny way.
So what's the best thing to do to clean off the surfaces and even inside or wherever the residue might be lingering? I suspect a part of it may be on the magazines which I did not do anything to clean but rather reloaded with my regular rounds. The smell on the surfaces of the magazines is noticeable. So is the slide and other parts. I don't believe it needs to be stripped down to the smallest part and boiled or any measure that drastic taken and am thinking wiping the surfaces with something should serve to get rid of the smell causing residue.
Any suggestions?
I know one brand of ammo I'm not going to buy again.