Interested to hear from people who have both.
I have a fairly new P09. GREAT GUN - reliable, soft shooting, easy to shoot accurately.
However, I find myself wanting a 97. I really like the 45. CZ is a great platform. This match seems fantastic.
While I like the P09, I prefer a steel frame. They don't feel cheap or fragile (not that they really are, just feel that way). I find CZ steel framed pistols are just incredibly comfortable in the hand, not to mention the weight making them very shootable, and feeling like something with more craftsmanship. 97 has a fiber optic front sight, which I love.
What am I not considering, other than ammo cost and capacity???
I should mention that I have an SP-01, that's not going anywhere. IMHO, it does everything the P09 does, but a little better - softer shooting, better sights, fits my hand better, etc.