Excuses Excuses
I apologize for not posting on this topic as agreed. Thanks for following up with me RSR.
The test that might have showed some unbiased data was performed with the Czechpoint carbine resting on a flexible foam frame with a grid behind it. That way we could possibly see any difference in climb and recoil. I was using my beloved FLIP camera on a tripod behind a plastic riot face shield 20" away but the camera was still somehow damaged from muzzle blast. It no longer functioned.

So, the Range Safety Manager filmed my test of several different VZ58 muzzle adapters with his video camera zoomed in from a distance. I had intended to combine the clips into a video to post here, however, after uploading them to a laptop I found the clips are in a weird format that I have not yet converted.
The Zendl brake was also tested without it being tightened completely down on the muzzle (as per instructions) because it was not milled down to screw tight on the thread turns to lock. I don't know if it will have a permanent home on any one rifle and I didnt want to commit by getting it milled yet. I was considering installing it on my "go-to" VZ2000, however it would need to be permanently attached with a weld, silver solder, or drilled and pinned onto the original VZ2000 "SBR" Czech barrel. ... and ... I really wanted to test the Zendl brake first on the Czech carbine after I got the BATF Manufacturers Tax Stamp for the SBR stock install.
In summary, the

If I had to guess, my unscientific observation was that the SF brake noticeably preformed the best for both recoil and muzzle rise with the Zendl brake coming in second place. If I remember correctly, the cone shaped break and surprisingly the AK74 break (attached with adapter) were not good performers in regards to rise. But again, I am guessing based on gut feel.
If the range is open this Saturday, I'll plan to test the Zendl brake against a few others using a stock VZ2008 (no added grips), doing some "real world" single shots, followup shots, and rapid fire. I couldn't do this previously with a VZ rifle, because I only acquired the PSA VZ58s since that time.