Author Topic: Zendl Muzzle Brake Discussion and Evaluation, Possible Group Buy  (Read 10630 times)

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Re: Zendl Muzzle Brake Discussion and Evaluation, Possible Group Buy
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2014, 02:37:47 AM »
Last RH brake at group buy rate just became available again.

So 1 RH and 2 LH Brakes Remain.  Thanks!

Offline CitizenPete

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Re: Zendl Muzzle Brake Discussion and Evaluation, Possible Group Buy
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2014, 01:12:24 PM »
RSR: "VZ2008s don't require permanentl due to 16.1" barrel...  Believe Brasky has a  VZ2008."  from Night Sight thread post.

Dawn breaks over Marblehead! Never knew that.
Not having a Czech barrel makes it a bit easier for this muzzle brake test.  I was really wondering about that and how many folks were going to actually do the test.
  I am going to use a Czech VZ58 Pistol for the test, because all my rifles have Czech barrels requiring R&R  re-weld/solder/or pin each time the muzzle is exchanged.  That would be just a bit of a pain. 

The post above is opinion, and I am probably totally wrong, so please pardon me if I offend anyone in any way. I am speaking only for myself and just sharing my thoughts, not trying to start an argument with anyone, and if you disagree with anything I have said, I concede your correct.

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Re: Zendl Muzzle Brake Discussion and Evaluation, Possible Group Buy
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2014, 05:27:29 PM »
Right hand brakes sold out.  3 left remain available.  Discounting the left group buys to $62.50 delivered.

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Re: Zendl Muzzle Brake Discussion and Evaluation, Possible Group Buy
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2014, 05:40:21 PM »
Still have the 3 LH brakes remaining.

And should be having some reviews coming for those who jumped on the RHs coming soon per PMs.

Thanks all.

Offline vzFOOL

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Re: Zendl Muzzle Brake Discussion and Evaluation, Possible Group Buy
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2014, 06:13:21 PM »
Yes, I purchased a RH, and have it installed. Just need to head out to my old man's compound for some plinking. Have wanted to for a good month now, just haven't had the opportunity. Hopefully in the next 2 weeks or so. Stay tuned!

Offline CitizenPete

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Re: Zendl Muzzle Brake Discussion and Evaluation, Possible Group Buy
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2014, 05:28:21 PM »
Excuses Excuses
I apologize for not posting on this topic as agreed. Thanks for following up with me RSR.

The test that might have showed some unbiased data was performed with the Czechpoint carbine resting on a flexible foam frame with a grid behind it.  That way we could possibly see any difference in climb and recoil.  I was using my beloved FLIP camera on a tripod behind a plastic riot face shield 20" away but the camera was still somehow damaged from muzzle blast.  It no longer functioned.

*** Killed it *** :'(

So, the Range Safety Manager filmed my test of several different VZ58 muzzle adapters with his video camera zoomed in from a distance. I had intended to combine the clips into a video to post here, however, after uploading them to a laptop I found the clips are in a weird format that I have not yet converted.

The Zendl brake was also tested without it being tightened completely down on the muzzle (as per instructions) because it was not milled down to screw tight on the thread turns to lock. I don't know if it will have a permanent home on any one rifle and I didnt want to commit by getting it milled yet.  I was considering installing it on my "go-to" VZ2000, however it would need to be permanently attached with a weld, silver solder, or drilled and pinned onto the original VZ2000 "SBR" Czech barrel.   ... and ... I really wanted to test the Zendl brake first on the Czech carbine after I got the BATF Manufacturers Tax Stamp for the SBR stock install.

In summary, the DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK:o

If I had to guess, my unscientific observation was that the SF brake noticeably preformed the best for both recoil and muzzle rise with the Zendl brake coming in second place. If I remember correctly, the cone shaped break and surprisingly the AK74 break (attached with adapter) were not good performers in regards to rise.  But again, I am guessing based on gut feel.

If the range is open this Saturday, I'll plan to test the Zendl brake against a few others using a stock VZ2008 (no added grips), doing some "real world" single shots, followup shots, and rapid fire.  I couldn't do this previously with a VZ rifle, because I only acquired the PSA VZ58s since that time. 
« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 08:20:28 AM by CitizenPete »

The post above is opinion, and I am probably totally wrong, so please pardon me if I offend anyone in any way. I am speaking only for myself and just sharing my thoughts, not trying to start an argument with anyone, and if you disagree with anything I have said, I concede your correct.

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Re: Zendl Muzzle Brake Discussion and Evaluation, Possible Group Buy
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2014, 07:05:05 PM »
I, too, have nothing but excuses. I have had mine installed (had the gunsmith shave it down, per the instructions), but haven't had the chance to shoot it yet.

It's been a good 4 months since I was able to get any range time in, but I'm headed to my Dad's property for Christmas, and promise to have a nice review posted shortly after.

Offline 4xphate

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Re: Zendl Muzzle Brake Discussion and Evaluation, Possible Group Buy
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2014, 12:44:11 PM »
Posting this in response and respect for RSR group buys. I bought one of these and am very happy with it ( as I am with the mag release) but...I only have the comparison to the slant brake which isnt much at all. I will say when I saw someone else shoot it the fireballs out to the sides was impressive. Thats all I got, sorry.

Offline CitizenPete

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Re: Zendl Muzzle Brake Discussion and Evaluation, Possible Group Buy
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2014, 11:04:09 AM »

The 8 hours of testing and 12 Videos I made of different muzzle breaks are evidently WORTHLESS.  >:( The Range safety manager used his JVC video camera after I destroyed my Flip Ultra HD. I ended up with 12 "CED" format files that I have been trying to convert since. There is no conversion software for this proprietary format that I can find (and I have downloaded a number of converters.)

File created by some JVC cameras when the SD card is not formatted properly for the camcorder; saves data about the recorded video but cannot be played by any video software--instead, you should reformat the SD card for the camera, and then the camcorder will record video in the standard .MTS or .MOD format.

Two steps back -- Square 1

The post above is opinion, and I am probably totally wrong, so please pardon me if I offend anyone in any way. I am speaking only for myself and just sharing my thoughts, not trying to start an argument with anyone, and if you disagree with anything I have said, I concede your correct.

Offline RSR

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Re: Zendl Muzzle Brake Discussion and Evaluation, Possible Group Buy
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2014, 01:38:14 PM »
Bummer to hear that.  There might be a way!?

If you are trying to convert a .ced file from a JVC recording device, then you are in the wrong folder within your device. There will be another folder with the same file just with a different extension check for a folder called JVCHD it will be in there under "stream"
« Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 01:41:26 PM by RSR »

Offline CitizenPete

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Re: Zendl Muzzle Brake Discussion and Evaluation, Possible Group Buy
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2014, 02:57:09 PM »
 :(  Yeah been there done that. Thanks for looking into it though.

I saw that video (BTW, I don't have a MAC).  I didn't download the stream file(s) from his camera, only the proprietary files.  I can ask him if he can lend me the camera again the next time I see him, in order to see if the stream file is on there, but my guess is that it was deleted.  He is a great guy and I'm sure it will loan it to me again.

For some stupid reason they have suspended the operations at the range due to the limited number of people using it during the winter (basically me a one or two transients).  You went to OSU, so you may remember what kinda weather we get here in the snow belt.  It gets snowy or very wet - not a lot in between.  Having said that, he did let me privately test a Mosin PU Sniper for a short while this past Saturday, before a scheduled Carry Class showed up.  Doing an extensive muzzle test would have been pushing it a bit.

I just bid on 3 more used cameras off eBay.  After a while the price gets down to the disposable level, and as long as you can put batteries in them your good to go.  I wont beat up an expensive camera at the range.

The post above is opinion, and I am probably totally wrong, so please pardon me if I offend anyone in any way. I am speaking only for myself and just sharing my thoughts, not trying to start an argument with anyone, and if you disagree with anything I have said, I concede your correct.