OK, I've been doing other stuff, but want to get back to modifying the VZ2008. I had a chance to buy a CSA side mount at a decent price, but am not at all crazy about drilling/tapping the receiver to install it. I think instead I'm going to try the FAB Defense forearm and grip. I'd like to try the Coyote color. Does anyone have this color on their VZ that could post a picture? My concern in doing this is twofold:
1. The red dot will not stay zeroed
2. I won't be able to find a spray paint for the stock (IF I go with somthing other than the folder) that will match the FAB Defense 'coyote' color
On the first issue, I'm going to just give it a try and see how it does. If the scope won't hold zero, I'll switch it over to the NEA metal top foregrip and try painting that to match. Has anyone tried to match up the FAB Defense Coyote? I called Mako to ask the question, but their customer service is apparently useless. Had to leave a vmail and no return call after two business days now. It makes me want to buy some other company's product.