As a longtime Sig fan, I have a number of them. Lately, I've become so enamored with my CZ's, I shoot virtually nothing else. To the point I've even considered selling off some of my other pistols...but that's another story.
My question is in the thread title. For some reason, I just have never been able to get the accuracy out of my full-size P220 that I get from my other pistols - including Sigs. I have a 220 compact, a 1911, an X5 Allround, a P229, and a 938 at the moment, and I can shoot all pretty accurately. I have thin aluminum grips on the 220, I've polished the internals, and spent countless hours dry-firing it over the years. I can hit steel with it - its not that it's wildly inaccurate in my hands. But when I punch paper with it, it's no 10-holer. Easy solution: sell it and stop thinking about it. That's too logical for me. I love the feel of it, the look of it, and I hate having something get the best of me. Anyone else ever struggle with that particular gun?