Author Topic: RAMI Magazines in PCR  (Read 1292 times)

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Offline OldCop876

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RAMI Magazines in PCR
« on: August 05, 2015, 06:12:36 PM »
This may be old news to those who own both pistols, if so, sorry. I did a search for this topic and did not find any matches, but I am new to forums so I may have missed it.

I am the proud new owner of a "Factory Blemish" PCR that I purchased at a very good price. Neither I nor anyone who has looked at the pistol can find the "blemish", but at $150 less than retail for a brand new gun, I'm not complaining!

But here is the thing. I had been told that my 14 round magazines from my RAMI would work in this gun just fine if I removed the plastic sleeves. I found today that this isn't exactly true, although the magazines from the PCR work in the RAMI with no issues. It appears that the plastic floorplate on the RAMI magazine is just a bit thicker than the PCR's steel floorplate and will not allow these magazines to lock in the PCR.

I called CZ customer service, who replied, and I quote..." It's a one-way compatibility, PCR mags fit in your RAMI, but your RAMI mags won't work in your PCR. Bascially, you're screwed. Sell the RAMI mags on Gunbroker for $30 each and they will be gone in minutes."

 Keep in mind these are brand new magazines that I just recently bought for almost $50 each! Not encouraging. So I ran a little experiment and put the steel floorplate from the PCR on one of the RAMI mags and it seemed to work just fine, locking into the pistol, dropping free, and locking the slide back.

So, just to check on this, I called the Custom Shop. The rep there said, "Sorry you got a bum steer from CZ, sounds like someone over there is having a bad day." He told me that if I installed PCR floorplates on my RAMI magazines, they would work in either pistol. Since the floorplate is a bit thinner, they do not look quite as pretty in the RAMI when used with the grip sleeve but it is barely noticeable. The Custom Shop sold me 4 steel floorplates for $3.50 each and they are on the way.

Hopefully, my problem is solved, and they have saved me from having to buy $200 worth of new magazines, because I insist on having at least six for a carry gun and two came with the PCR. I cannot get to the range right now to actually fire the gun, but doing a swap on one magazine function tests properly. If anyone knows any reason this will not work, please let me know.

P.S. - When I was deciding on whether to change from the RAMI to the PCR, I got feedback of about 10 to 1 that the PCR had some magically different feel to it when compared to the RAMI with the 14 round magazine in place. When I finally had them both in hand, I really didn't notice much difference, for what its worth. The grips feel different of course, due to material. I do think the PCR balances a bit better and is a much cooler looking pistol though.  :) But they are both very nice. I guess what I am saying is that if you already own one, you may not "need" the other. But when has this ever been about need?

Offline Bible2David

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Re: RAMI Magazines in PCR
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2015, 09:11:09 PM »
Thanks, I had not realized the difference base plate on the 14 round magazine for the RAMI.  I have replaced the metal base plate on all my PCR magazines with the rubber base plates.

Offline BGlas

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Re: RAMI Magazines in PCR
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2015, 09:27:45 PM »
I put my 14rd RAMI bases on the 10rd mags (so I can tuck my pinky under) and compact bases on all my 14rd mags (I have a P-01 as well).
I also trim the metal bases a little bit so they are flush with my P-01 frame.
I rarely ever put 14rd mags in my RAMI, mostly only at the range.