Author Topic: Newbie question on the po7  (Read 1575 times)

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Offline jerryb4

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Newbie question on the po7
« on: August 08, 2015, 01:21:27 PM »
Hi all, I'm new to U'r forum.  Been researching the po7 & like what I've read/seen.  Any wisdom in why I should buy the po7 v. a Glock 26/19 or a Sig 2022 or another gun?  Thanks.

Offline jameslovesjammie

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Re: Newbie question on the po7
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2015, 01:44:35 PM »
Glock 26 is quite a bit smaller.  It is a sub-compact.  A better size comparison for this gun would be the Rami.

The Glock 19 is the same size gun.  The biggest differences are going to be a hammer fired gun vs a striker fired one and the grip angle.  CZ's are known for their ergonomics, Glocks are not.

I can't comment on the Sig 2022.  I have no experience with that gun.

Offline FakeCZName

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Re: Newbie question on the po7
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2015, 05:13:36 PM »
jerryb4: I have a Glock 17 and also a P-07. I have put aftermarket trigger products into both of them. They both shoot well and are reliable. The P-07 is a bit easier to conceal-carry.

There's a big difference in the feel and the way the triggers work. You should pull the triggers on both guns before you buy. If you don't like a long trigger pull, you won't like the Glock. If you don't like hammers, you won't like the P-07.

I'm weird--I like them both and can shoot well with both. Most guys have to go with one or the other and get used to one kind of pistol--striker fired or DA/SA hammer fired.

Like the old Knight who guarded the grail said: "Choose wisely!"

PS: The P-07 is a better deal money-wise.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2015, 05:15:45 PM by FakeCZName »

Offline Colorado Shooter

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Re: Newbie question on the po7
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2015, 08:56:57 PM »
Like many things gun related, it's a personal thing. You've been given wise advice and I suggest to go to a dealer and, if possible, compare them side by side. I preach the value that the P Series of CZ's bring to the table. Best bang for the buck IMO.

Offline Winkel

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Re: Newbie question on the po7
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2015, 02:52:52 AM »
I don't own any Glocks but from all accounts, they are extremely reliable.  If you want a better trigger and better accuracy, buy the CZ. 

The Glock may be more proven but as others have said, see if you can shoot both then make your decision.

Since you have posted in a CZ forum, I'd say buy the CZ!!!


Offline Bible2David

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Re: Newbie question on the po7
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2015, 07:37:55 AM »
I have own both and enjoyed the P07 better.  Better feel, more actuate and less recoil. I did upgrades to both pistols.  I replaced the firing pin with spring, firing pin block spring, and hammer spring on the P07 reducing DA pull to approximately 8lbs.  Thus making a good trigger into a great trigger.

Offline AZ_CZ

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Re: Newbie question on the po7
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2015, 12:36:22 PM »
Cost is not a factor, put that aside. Over the life of a gun what adds up is ammo. What counts over everything else is can you hit the target! That factors in reliability and ergonomics. I train with the expectation that all guns fail and practice jams and bad ammo drills. My #1 factor is ergonomics, does the handgun or rifle naturally point on target for me without the use of sights. I'm not a great shot or a practiced shooter but can always put rounds in the black at 25 yards without much effort when I have a CZ. I can't do that with a Glock. If you have been researching count up how many posts here by new & experienced shooters that praise the economics & accuracy of the P series, the number of first day at the range pictures with the black shot out. Then go over to Glocktalk. I use to look for ways to shoot my Glock better and rarely saw that there with stock guns. Crazy when you figure the number of Glocks compared to CZs.

You need to shoot them and find your Mojo. Don't need CZ, Sig or Glock fanboys making your choice.

I traded my only Glock, after a long contentious relationship, to a young man for a P-09 FDE. I told him he was making a mistake. The CZ had double strike, it converted to decocker so he could carry without a safety, it had a better trigger (we compared them right there), and it was JoeL approved. He kept talking about his buddies with Glocks, so sad.
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Offline toddzilla36

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Re: Newbie question on the po7
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2015, 01:51:13 PM »
I don't shoot Glocks well, but wanted a striker fired gun. Finally settled on the FNS series. Kept hearing about CZs. Finally found a rental P09 and shot it next to my FNS 9L that I had been shooting since they first came out. The groups were half the size from the CZ. Did I mention this was a RENTAL P 09? A freaking rental gun blew my "competition" gun out of the water.

Went to my LGS the next week and asked if he would cut me a deal for a P07 and P09 together. $960 later I had two of the best guns I've ever shot.

Shoot a bunch of guns and go with what you shoot best.

Offline Cyanide

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Re: Newbie question on the po7
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2015, 04:57:45 PM »
AZ_CZ hit the nail on the head and, with a big sledge sledgehammer! Natural point of aim/pointability on target minus sights is something that is either there or it isn't, regardless of who makes the pistol. Some people have it bettter with one or more brands, whereas others don't. It all comes back to you as an individual and what feels and shoots best for you, above all else.

Personally, I generally shoot about the same through all pistols, with a slight nod to a hammer fire for better accuracy. Where I am going with this concerning your question of P-07 vs Glock 19, is that while I shoot Glocks rather well (and I presently have my third one), I cannot stand certain features of a stock Glock 19 (even the Gen 4); stock sights, lack of an appreciable undercut on the trigger guard, cramped finger grooves, and still the annoying lower backstrap hump.

Can I fix them? Of course, but I shouldn't have to undergo major modifications to the pistol to make it work for me, whether I choose to do them myself or send it off to be done professionally incurring further $$$ charges to the original purchase price of said pistol. Money that could be better spent on ammunition for something that works w/o undergoing additional mods to make it into what I want it to be as I carry firearm. Key words there: WHAT I WANT IT TO BE. And the P-07 gives me that better than any other pistol on the market, right out of the box.

But note that in spite of all I just said, I still like my Glock and will keep it. It's just nowhere near the #1 spot in my EDC rotation, and never will be.

*Disclaimer: I'm an avowed CZ P-07 (and CZ 100) fanboy. My views do not represent the views of the rest of the CZ Forum's members.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 08:31:02 PM by Cyanide »

Offline moetallday34

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Re: Newbie question on the po7
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2015, 12:44:40 AM »
That's a hard question, I love them both. You Could always get the P07 and a Glock 23 that way you have 2 different calibers! Anytime I have to make a choice on what gun....well I just end up buying both of them.

Offline moetallday34

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Re: Newbie question on the po7
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2015, 12:53:18 AM »
Also I forgot to add,I don't like the high bore axis on the Sig 2022,the Glock and the P07 feel much better.