Author Topic: Reloading 7.62x39 or 223 rem.  (Read 2729 times)

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Offline marine one

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Reloading 7.62x39 or 223 rem.
« on: July 28, 2015, 05:29:36 PM »
Hello again,
 I'm buying a CZ-527 carbine and I will probably start to reload my own ammo. Undecided to what caliper I'll be getting in CZ. I don't do much hunting for deer or small game, I also have mini 30 that has 7.62x39 caliper, if I was to go deer hunting.
Is it easer to reload a 223 over 7.62x39 round ?
 Sometimes I find it hard to get a 7.62x39 over 223 ammo in brass. I don't like using steel ammo.

 Dennis :-\

Offline biglou13

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Re: Reloading 7.62x39 or 223 rem.
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2015, 06:16:53 PM »
i think you already answered question.

i don't think one is harder to reload than other.

if you research there are great hunting bullets for the .223.   A well trained shooter, and a decently placed shot .223 is more than adequate for hunting.  chances are you wont be reaching out to 1000 yards.  (although with proper load, and gun it is possible)

look at the amount of data, bullets, new/used brass that is available,   that is easily available.......

also consider the amount of research Uncle Sam has already done on the .223

my vote is for .223
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Wahoo1 again

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Re: Reloading 7.62x39 or 223 rem.
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2015, 08:19:38 PM »
I have rifles (bolt guns) in both calibers. Reloading .223 or 7.62x39 are equally easy, no challenges, I can think of. I don't like using .223 for hogs or deer, it does work, but you often get a very small or no exit wound and no blood trail. This makes tracking an animal harder and, at least where I hunt, more lost game. For sub 200 yard shots I'm happier with a 7.62x39 hand loaded with a 123gr Barnes Triple shock X-bullet from my 527 carbine. I also have excellent results with the Hornady 123gr SST. I've tried using a 150gr flat point with good results as long as I keep my shots inside 75 yards.

If I think I will likely have to make a shot beyond 150 yards, I use a 25-06 for game under 450 pounds and 270 Win or 340 Weatherby for larger game.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 08:21:10 PM by Wahoo »

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Reloading 7.62x39 or 223 rem.
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2015, 05:38:57 AM »
The cost of dies is probably the same.

The .223 will use less powder per round.

The bullets for the .223 will cost less.

The primers are the same cost, so far.

It's a lot easier to get brass for the .223, lots of places on the internet sell once fired brass for decent prices.  7.62X39 brass would be more difficult to find and probably cost more.

Use the mini 30 for deer hunting (not many rounds fired each year deer hunting anyway, if you are a decent shot).

The .223 makes a great plinking round and will take care of any varmint/pest problems you have if that is a need.  I've found that ground hogs and crows are no match for a .223 bullet.  I'm sure foxes, bob cats and other predators/varmints will be easy to take care of, too.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline andrew1220

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Re: Reloading 7.62x39 or 223 rem.
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2015, 09:54:03 AM »
Both are great calibers but if you're concerned about cost per round, x39 is definitely going to cost more to reload than .223 - not by a huge amount but will be more. I know a guy who reloads x39 for his CZ but he casts his own lead bullets which cuts down on the costs.

Offline marine one

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Re: Reloading 7.62x39 or 223 rem.
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2015, 04:02:35 PM »
Thanks to all who responded , it looks like I'll be getting my CZ-in 223 cal. I have not ordered it yet, maybe next week
 it's coasting me 733.00 for CZ-527 carbine. Any comments??


Offline buddy.223

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Re: Reloading 7.62x39 or 223 rem.
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2015, 04:32:47 PM »
50g v max or blitzkings over 25.5 benchmark 2250 oal

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Reloading 7.62x39 or 223 rem.
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2015, 08:22:59 PM »
In 1981 I traded a Rem. 1100 3" magnum in on a Rem. M700 varmint special in .223.

I tried W748, H335, H322, BLC2, IMR4198, IMR4895, and maybe a couple other powders through it with 45 grain (the thin jacketed bullets Hornady and Sierra used to make) and Sierra's 52 grain match bullets.  The most accurate loads were with the 45 grain bullets an IMR4198.

A lot of folks don't like IMR4198 because it doesn't meter very well due to it's shape.  But again, I'm not shooting high volumes of ammo through the varmint rifle and groups size is very important.  I only shot ground hogs in the head and I wasn't doing it from a bench rest or the truck bed, I was walking, crawling, prone, kneeling with the rifle stuck through a rail fence or sitting down.

When I finally decided to get into AR15's I found IMR 4198 with 55 grain Hornady FMJ bullets gave me better groups than the loads made with the previously listed powders and some new ones added since the 1980's (Varget, H4198 and TAC).

TAC is close, but I'm not quiet happy with it yet.  The most accurate loads won't operate my AR15 20" rifle in cold weather.  The carbine (16") works great, hot or cold weather, but not the rifle.

You won't have those issues with a bolt gun though.

What's the barrel twist?  My M700 is 1 turn in 12".  The AR15's are all 1 turn in 9" except for the vARmint rifle (a 24" bull barrel monster I probably didn't need to build) and it has a 1 turn in 10" barrel (slowest I could find at the time).

Good luck with your efforts to come up with an accurate load.  It's a lot of fun.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline armoredman

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Re: Reloading 7.62x39 or 223 rem.
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2015, 06:43:59 PM »
I prefer loading 7.62x39 over .223, because I can. Been doing that for years for both my CZ 527CR and vz-58. I also use cast bullets, some powdercoated, (avoid powdercoat in the 527, tight chamber doesn't like bullets slightly over diameter), and home lubed with a witches brew. :) Works great.

Brass is MUCH harder to come by in 7.62x39mm, BUT, most of the .223 brass you do find will need to have the primer pocket swaged to remove the milspec primer crimp, so add in a Dillon Super Swage to your opening expense. if I were to start doing .223 again, (quit after the vz-58 5.56mm went away)(, I would buy brand new civilian brass bagged from Midway, and never touch milsurp again. Pain in the behind. FYI.