Author Topic: CZ 27 Year of Manufacture  (Read 6453 times)

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Offline chronomike

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CZ 27 Year of Manufacture
« on: December 06, 2015, 10:27:48 AM »

As a Brit. pistol fan living in Burgundy, France I have a CZ 27.

On the top of the slide there is BOHMISCHE WAFFENFABRIK A.G. IN PRAG.

The serial number is 41094.

I am interested to know in which year of the Nazi occupation this pistol was made.



Offline EAllen

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Re: CZ 27 Year of Manufacture
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2015, 11:09:52 AM »
      Hello, I also have a CZ27, and some information that might be of interest.  Estimate of your pistol's year of production-- late 41, early 1942.   German production began at SN 20500, your 41094 is early in that production era.

     According to R.J.Berger's excellent book "Know Your Czechloslovakian Pistols", from the information in your post my reading estimates your example was made early in the German production period which took place almost two years after the Occupation of 1939.  During 1939-1940, production of the CZ27 was continued by the Germans and the pistols furnished to Nazi-friendly countries and sales to citizens, before all production was  claimed by the Nazis  That was 1941 when the rollmark on the top of the slide was changed to the German "Bohmische", and the side of the slide marked "Pistole Modell 27,  Kal. 7.65".

      Those markings, and the low serial number suggest 1941.   (Nazi police production started about SN 30,000).     Also, according to my reading of Berger, if there is not a Nazi acceptance mark- waffenamt- then that pistol was made for the police.  Nazi CZ27 production continued throughout the war both for Army and Police. 

      They are a nice pistol.  Berger reports that the pistols made for the German war effort totaled 450,500.   The design was continued after the war  and produced for general sale until 1949- total production of CZ27 at 620,000.   

My CZ 27, an Army model, was given to the Norwegian Police after the war- since previously Nazi-occupied countries were very short on weapons.   They milled a place on the slide and entered a very neatly done Norwegian Police logo, and  serial number .   Mine is in the 195,000 SN range-- probably made late 1941.   

Best wishes,  Carl Tatlock