New RAMI BD 9mm owner. I'm also still a novice so my gunsmithing skills are pretty much nonexistent (context for my question): following some comments on this forum, I checked out the website for CGW. I was wondering what folks think of their defensive carry customization? On the one hand, it is almost 50% of the gun's retail price. On the other hand, if the RAMI is used as a carry weapon, I can see the value in the enhancements they offer with that package. I think they also offered the trigger retraction (my wording) wherein I think they move the resting position of the trigger farther back. With my medium sized hands, I do have to reach a bit to find the trigger when it is in half-cock. So I just wanted to see what folks think of this and if any of you have had CGW perform this customization. You might suggest just buying the parts and DIY but again, I have no gunsmithing skills and wouldn't want to screw up my new RAMI.
When I bought it, I didn't think I would use the RAMI as a carry weapon because of its width primarily. But after shooting it I am seriously reconsidering. My current EDC is a Kahr MK9 and sometimes a Ruger LC9S - both very thin but with obvious capacity disadvantages. Considering the RAMI as a carry weapon prompted me to consider the CGW defensive carry package - just curious what you all think.