Author Topic: My surplus IMI Jericho 941F  (Read 2668 times)

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Offline Sebspeed

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My surplus IMI Jericho 941F
« on: July 04, 2020, 10:44:03 PM »
I blindly stumbled onto these on gunbroker one day and was hooked on the SAO conversion they did to these. I pored over pictures in listings to make sure I picked the nicest one I could find and bought it. My plan was to cerakote it black and add walnut grips but once I got it and realized it has a hard chrome finish, I backed off that idea. I did clean it upand add the walnut grips from KSD grips. They are very nice and the fit is perfect. I did have to modify the mainspring cap retaining pin to remove the lanyard loop portion of the pin. Once I did that, the new grips went right on. The rear sight had a few mi or dings on one side and I prefer a single front dot with a black rear, so I filed the dings, milled the rear dots off, and cerakoted both sights. Then re-filled the front dot with white enamel. While I had paint mixed I also coated the slide stop, safety, hammer, and trigger. I shot it a bit and it was nice! But not great. The sear and hammer hooks have a hefty angle on them which made for a lot of hammer cam and a vague break. I failed to measure the pull weight before doing work but after changing the sear/hammer angle and shortening the hooks I have it down to 1.4lbs. I had to case harden the sear. I also shimmed the sear cage to eliminate some play. I have one more level to take this action to, and it involves drilling and reaming the trigger and hammer pin holes for new solid pins to replace the coiled spring pins. I have a backup EGW sear new in the bag ready for back-to-back testing with my modified sear once the frame work is done, and I also have a pile of springs to rwplace all of the factory ones from Wolff and Patriot Defense.

Anyhow, here's a pic after the first round of action work, frame brushing, grips and refinished sights/controls:

« Last Edit: July 05, 2020, 04:38:56 PM by jwc007 »

Offline Sams1

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Re: My surplus IMI Jericho 941F
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2020, 11:58:49 PM »
Absolutely Gorgeous!  Looks like the good Ol' Jericho is all cleaned up, wearing a tailored Tuxedo!!

You are right about the grip panels too very pretty and nice fit.  Only thing is 1.4lb might be silky smooth and light but in my very humble opinion, dangerously light...

Great job overall - Congrats!

Offline jwc007

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Re: My surplus IMI Jericho 941F
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2020, 04:37:14 PM »
Very Nice!  8) 

But I do agree with Sams1 on the 1.4 lb Trigger Pull weight.  That would give me pause.

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Offline Sebspeed

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Re: My surplus IMI Jericho 941F
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2020, 04:43:37 PM »
Thanks guys!

Don't worry about the trigger pull, it's just a range toy. My TSO is even lighter, with a cleaner break. My carry guns (Sig P938/G17/Cobra 38) are all heavier.

Offline popper

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Re: My surplus IMI Jericho 941F
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2020, 07:34:43 PM »
Good choice keeping it chrome. How hard would it be to convert this into DA? I see a lot of these pop up from time to time at good prices.

Offline Sebspeed

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Re: My surplus IMI Jericho 941F
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2020, 09:59:05 AM »
Good choice keeping it chrome. How hard would it be to convert this into DA? I see a lot of these pop up from time to time at good prices.

I didn't give it any thought, but you would at minimum need to buy a disconnector and its retaining pin, as those have been omitted from the IMI action.

If you think you might like one, go ahead and grab one. Mine shoots very well. I didn't think I would love the frame shape as much as I do, but that slight deviation from the CZ shape on the rear grip is pretty nice!

Offline Czechbikr

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Re: My surplus IMI Jericho 941F
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2020, 11:13:24 AM »
That is a beauty!  I regret not grabbing one 6-9 months back when a shipment came through and was just poking around to see if any more landed.  I would not have the skills that you have to tune it up however.  Congratulations on a great gun.  The nickel plate is what I was jonesing for before.

Offline Sebspeed

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Re: My surplus IMI Jericho 941F
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2020, 11:28:55 AM »
That is a beauty!  I regret not grabbing one 6-9 months back when a shipment came through and was just poking around to see if any more landed.  I would not have the skills that you have to tune it up however.  Congratulations on a great gun.  The nickel plate is what I was jonesing for before.

Thanks! To be fair, it was a serviceable shooter as delivered! I took it out of the shipping box at the range, gave it a visual once over with a field strip for safety, dry cycled it, then shot a box of 50rds with no issue. I just happen to have this disease where I have to tinker with things and try to make them better - and I've had it long enough that I've accumulated enough tools and experience to make every new endeavor a bit easier. Lol

Edited to add, I wouldn't hesitate to buy another. Just take a good long look at all the pics available in the internet listings to get a good idea of condition. Mine was pretty clean with a tiny, tiny bit of rust at the grip edges. It did have some gun oil + desert sand crud caked in a few of the nooks and crannies also. Nothing that didn't clean up easily with a pick and an old toothbrush.

Offline Czechbikr

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Re: My surplus IMI Jericho 941F
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2020, 03:36:40 PM »
That is a beauty!  I regret not grabbing one 6-9 months back when a shipment came through and was just poking around to see if any more landed.  I would not have the skills that you have to tune it up however.  Congratulations on a great gun.  The nickel plate is what I was jonesing for before.

Thanks! To be fair, it was a serviceable shooter as delivered! I took it out of the shipping box at the range, gave it a visual once over with a field strip for safety, dry cycled it, then shot a box of 50rds with no issue. I just happen to have this disease where I have to tinker with things and try to make them better - and I've had it long enough that I've accumulated enough tools and experience to make every new endeavor a bit easier. Lol

Edited to add, I wouldn't hesitate to buy another. Just take a good long look at all the pics available in the internet listings to get a good idea of condition. Mine was pretty clean with a tiny, tiny bit of rust at the grip edges. It did have some gun oil + desert sand crud caked in a few of the nooks and crannies also. Nothing that didn't clean up easily with a pick and an old toothbrush.

I have dabbled in milsurps a tiny bit with the acquisition of a Beretta BB and CZ83.  Got pretty lucky with both without paying the upcharge for "hand select" which I have read is a bit of a red herring.  The CZ got a bit of attention with cleaning and some cold blue, the safety was screwy also.  It needed a new pin as somewhere along the line it got a mismatched piece cobbled in and I put in a new safety plunger also.  Works much better now with my limited skills.  The Beretta got a NOS set of grip panels and looks really good now. 

Offline Sebspeed

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Re: My surplus IMI Jericho 941F
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2020, 01:27:41 PM »
Wanted to give this thread a small revival as I've got some plans for my Jericho and they may come to fruition over the holiday break.

I decided this pistol is worthy of some additional massaging to extract more of its potential. To that end, I've gathered supplies to change all the frame pins over to solid pins, a TS trigger to match my TSO and 97B, and I will install that EGW sear after all. I bought precision drill rod and reamers to do the frame mods, I'm going to do the hammer pin and sear cage pin fix as well.

The one thing I don't like about the pistol right now is the lack of pre and over travel adjustment on the otherwise good SAO trigger, the new TS trigger from Armory Craft will fix that and the pins will take out the bit of slop and friction that is present now.

I'm all set on supplies for that part of the project, but, I'm now also thinking of adding a bushing to the slide like the 75s and TSO have. I need to do some homework on the sizing and installation of that part. I believe there are tighter spec bushings available for stock CZs, so I think I'll start looking into those and what they offer vs stock, then fab mine for my Jericho based on those findings.

Is it easier to go buy a more accurate pistol with tighter fit and finish? Sure, but I already have a TSO  8)