After lots of trips to the range to rent various handguns, I bought a CZ 2075 BD Rami as my first handgun. I did exactly what others told me not to; I bought it without firing one first. I did fire a P01 a few times and really liked it, compared to some others. It took almost a month to get to the range with it after it arrived. After 185 rounds through it I was super happy with it. The slide didn't close completely with the first couple cartridges, but after that it worked perfectly. i read the discussions about it preferring more lubrication when it was new, and thought I put on "extra", but apparently not. The slide release was so stiff I could barely release it with both hands. It didn't take long for it to loosen up though. Works perfectly now. The gun is a good weight, it was accurate right out of the box, the recoil was easy to manage. I shot it at 5, 7 & 10 yards with good results. I wasn't as interested in my accuracy as I was in just running rounds through it. I am mostly left-handed, but do some things right, including shooting long guns right-handed. I've been debating which hand to use for the handgun and so far the only difference I can find is that my right wrist is a little weaker than the left, so I'm a little less accurate right-handed. I think this calls for more practice, both ways! I am super happy with the Rami. I wonder if I maybe also need a PCR.......? Or a P01.....?