Author Topic: VZ 58 magazine "parts" deal on Ebay  (Read 2794 times)

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Offline TJNewton

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VZ 58 magazine "parts" deal on Ebay
« on: April 04, 2016, 03:40:22 AM »

"Magazine Parts", 20 of each of the five required parts.  If you're so inclined, I'm sure they can be assembled.  Comes to $23 each, shipped.  Not a bad deal.  He has another listing for a quantity of 30 that comes in just under $22 each, shipped.  The seller collects payment by:  "Gentleman agreement" - recieve first, pay later.

Offline Brasky

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Re: VZ 58 magazine "parts" deal on Ebay
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2016, 05:37:09 PM »
He used to start the auction at $0.01 but they were ending at $10-13 a magazine shipped

Offline ncgoober

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Re: VZ 58 magazine "parts" deal on Ebay
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2016, 06:14:18 PM »

Offline TJNewton

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Re: VZ 58 magazine "parts" deal on Ebay
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2016, 02:23:38 AM »
20$ from the get go

True, but add in shipping.  Copes isn't that bad with it's $9.95 flat rate.  More magazines, less per piece cost.

The listing is closed at $330.00.  With $30.00 shipping added, whoever got those paid $18 a magazine, shippped.  Pretty good.  I see that some of his earlier auctions were even a better value.

Apex still has their "excellent" grade magazines for sale, with a discount for more than three.   I bought six recently.  Four came plastic wrapped, with three of them pristine NOS and one in nice, possibly refurbished, condition.  The other two were, by their own grading system listed on their site, somewhere between "good" and "very good".  I was satisfied as even the worn ones are in very stout and usable condition.  I got them for about $22.50 each shipped.

Buying enough mags, Copes is probably a better deal.  I don't think there will be too much functional difference between "good" and "excellent" or NOS mags.  I guess the springs could have more use, although I don't know at what point they'd be worn out.  Some of the mags I've gotten in the last couple of years look beaten-down, ugly, and disenfranchised, but work just as well as the pretty ones.

Offline felix

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Re: VZ 58 magazine "parts" deal on Ebay
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2016, 03:38:19 PM »
I live in Colorado  :( so at $18.00 each for these "parts kits" would not have been a bad investment for the 20 being auctioned off.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 04:27:04 PM by felix »
Love to play with fast women, sharp knives & loud guns, if the wife says it's okay....

Offline ncgoober

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Re: VZ 58 magazine "parts" deal on Ebay
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2016, 08:25:12 PM »
My last mag purchase was 5 months ago being 4 brand new in shrinkwrap in the leather pouch for $90 at Raleigh dixie gun show.  The rare decent deal at a show.

Offline TJNewton

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Re: VZ 58 magazine "parts" deal on Ebay
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2016, 02:02:09 AM »
I came across some info regarding ITAR import regulations and it's so complicated that it makes 922r look like Tic-Tac-Toe.  These magazine parts, as well as other VZ58 parts from overseas, may or may not come under those regulations.  As with 922r, it's best that each person research it to their own satisfaction.

There may be some odd, loophole reason with ITAR that the seller specified payment as "Gentleman's agreement" -- receive parts first and pay later.  That seems like a lot of money to be so trusting with.  $330 dollars is not a small amount to most Americans, but is easily a couple of weeks' wages in Eastern Europe.