Author Topic: Sphinx Question - ** Updated **. a Sphinx 2000, 3000 series or Tanfoglio front sight fit?  (Read 3023 times)

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Offline Moondo

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Trying to find a Fiber Optic front sight for the Sphinx SDP, I have contacted Sphinx USA, and the Halo is still on hold, pending government approval. Then I came up with the idea that maybe the front sight from a Sphinx 2000 or 3000 series pistol would fit.  Well, Sphinx USA doesn't carry parts for anything at the moment, so I tried emailing Sphinx in Switzerland, and their web address is not working.

I called Dawson to see if they would make a custom sight, but they no longer do that. But the Gentleman in the tech department wondered if a Tanfoglio sight will fit? They are currently making sights for them, and they would make any height I needed to work.

So I was wondering if anyone on this forum would know if the Sphinx 2000 or 3000 front sight will fit the SDP, and if so, where can I obtain one?   

Or if anyone that has a Sphinx and a Tanfoglio can look to see if they would be compatible?   Thank You!     ** update ** I have found that the Sphinx 3000 front sight fits the SDP, and sights can be found at F&K Sports in Sweden if anyone else is looking.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 10:45:09 PM by Moondo »

Offline srREXed

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One thing I've found and haven't tried yet is the ability to utilize the well produced Beretta Nano front sight. They are an identical match when looking at photos and eyeballing it. But I haven't been able to actually compare the sight from the nano to the front on my SDP duty. I was going to head to the local shop and see if they'd let me pull the front off a nano at their counter and check my theory. But otherwise there is absolutely nothing else I've been able to come up with. Logitudinal front with a locking screw makes for very simple disassembly and also for losing that bad boy halfway down the range of it isn't properly installed. (Beretta nano sob stories) either way, if you have a way to check this I'd be happy to Guinea pig it with any confirmation. I too am looking to improve that front sight. The rear is a Novak Standard cut- .495" x 65 degrees. There's a plethor of sights available at Brownells that can work. I just trying to figure out how far the poi is with match ammo so I can properly equip this SDP duty with the exact carry-type setup I am comfortable with.
Wife: Is it broken?
Me: No.
Wife: Then why does it need to be fixed?
Me: I knew you wouldn't understand.
Me: You're way smarter than I am babe.
Wife: Ok, so if it's not broken and not fixed, what exactly is it?
Me: It's taking time Hun. Just taking some time.

Offline srREXed

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So I got off the phone with Novak this afternoon. Supposedly they don't even have a fit for the rear on the Sphinx, but it's been confirmed the rear is a .495" at 65deg which is what the standard Novak cut is. Either way I checked out that site you mentioned that carrys the 3000 sights. It seems none are in stock and none have been for a while. They do have quite a selection though. About 4 different fronts that would work and hen a couple rears. I'm thinking about searching some shops local that have been known to carry some of the more idpa type stuff. Normally they have some weird abnormal selection.
Wife: Is it broken?
Me: No.
Wife: Then why does it need to be fixed?
Me: I knew you wouldn't understand.
Me: You're way smarter than I am babe.
Wife: Ok, so if it's not broken and not fixed, what exactly is it?
Me: It's taking time Hun. Just taking some time.

Offline TheLeadMachine

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One thing I've found and haven't tried yet is the ability to utilize the well produced Beretta Nano front sight. They are an identical match when looking at photos and eyeballing it. But I haven't been able to actually compare the sight from the nano to the front on my SDP duty. I was going to head to the local shop and see if they'd let me pull the front off a nano at their counter and check my theory. But otherwise there is absolutely nothing else I've been able to come up with. Logitudinal front with a locking screw makes for very simple disassembly and also for losing that bad boy halfway down the range of it isn't properly installed. (Beretta nano sob stories) either way, if you have a way to check this I'd be happy to Guinea pig it with any confirmation. I too am looking to improve that front sight. The rear is a Novak Standard cut- .495" x 65 degrees. There's a plethor of sights available at Brownells that can work. I just trying to figure out how far the poi is with match ammo so I can properly equip this SDP duty with the exact carry-type setup I am comfortable with.

Did you ever take a look at the Nano front sights compatibility with the Sphinx?