Hi All,
New member here but long time thread stalker
I installed a CGW Pro Package this weekend and I must admit the reset on this thing is insanely small. Needless to say, I was pumped to get it to the range. Enter: issues.
I had tons of light primer strikes. I'm using the standard blue hammer spring, red recoil spring, and the extended pin that came with the kit. Ammo was reloads using 4.9gr. AutoComp, 124gr. RN, and
S&B primers. I'm thinking the issue lies with the primers as I know they're a bit harder, but others have solid reviews using the same stuff. Thoughts?
Additionally, I noticed wear on the left side of the race hammer (both at the bottom and a small spot at the top) whereas the right had none. Is this also normal?
Thanks in advance for the insight!