Author Topic: Mako to be offering polymer VZ58 mags in 2016  (Read 7806 times)

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Offline wanderson

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Re: Mako to be offering polymer VZ58 mags in 2016
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2016, 10:41:17 AM »
Thanks for the report. Zahal has these for $18 a pop in black, green & tan. Considering surplus mags are at $20 a pop these look like a good option. I've got all the 30s I need but if these ever come out in a 20 round version I'll order some up fast.

Mako didn't list any VZ mags on their website/online store.

Offline CitizenPete

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Re: Mako to be offering polymer VZ58 mags in 2016
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2016, 04:58:17 PM »
Still no mags to destroy.  :(

I really would love to do some destructive testing on these polymer mags.  To be fair I believe any test needs to be done side by side with an aluminum magazine to prove operation equivalent or better to original mag.

MAKO Group does not have them in yet, and they told me on the phone today it would be 1-3 months until we see them on their website, depending on Fab Defense production/availability.  MAKO Group could not give me a price at this time.

Whats a guy gotta do to smash one of these mags into pieces?  O0

Some tests I was considering (as seen on AK47-74 Operators Union, MAC, and KVAR...)
All tested are with gun unloaded until test fire. All drops are from just above waist height.

  • Arsenal drop test (empty chambered gun, loaded mag, ... drop gun on butt 3 times)
  • Pull-up test gripping rifle suspended by magazine -- just need to find someone fit enough  :P
  • Drop rifle on loaded magazine.
  • "AK Pushups" on the loaded mag
  • Loaded mag in rifle, thrust rifle downward slamming magazine into stationary object (table etc)
  • Throw magazine end over end into hard surface containing sand and pebbles (quarry range) -- see if they get jammed with sand or break.
  • Unloaded magazine -- run over with vehicle.
Correlate to AK magazines:
Yeaas, I use Tapco, Bulgarian, etc at the range, BUT ... I have many Arsenal Milspec Polymer Mags ("Circle 10") at the ready with my SGL-21 AKM "go-to" rifle:

Costly, yes.  Worth it, yes.  Built better than most steel mags (which rust), which I also have.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 05:08:46 PM by CitizenPete »

The post above is opinion, and I am probably totally wrong, so please pardon me if I offend anyone in any way. I am speaking only for myself and just sharing my thoughts, not trying to start an argument with anyone, and if you disagree with anything I have said, I concede your correct.

Offline DDNC

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Re: Mako to be offering polymer VZ58 mags in 2016
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2016, 10:31:14 PM »
I received an order of these mags in OD and FDE for both the VZ and AK. I was also able to score a bunch of factory 20 round aluminum VZ58 mags. They are straight up factory, no rivets. The FAB mags work very well and I have experienced no malfunctions. There is no metal in lugs or feed lips but they are just as rugged as any poly com-bloc mag without steel inserts and yes they can be damaged but you'd have to work at it as with any mag. They are by no means circle 10's but something like that is not available for VZs. Have not tried the push-up maneuver.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 10:33:17 PM by DDNC »

Offline CitizenPete

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Re: Mako to be offering polymer VZ58 mags in 2016
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2016, 01:32:52 PM »
Sa. vz.58 Ultimag -- polymer magazine from Fab Defense - Initial thoughts.

I finally received 2 of the Ultimags for destructive testing, however it looks like rain/snow/rain for the next 2 weeks and I'm not that dedicated!  I may get to do some drop testing on concrete under cover if the Police range doesn't get flooded and is open on Saturday.

On initial inspection, I will agree with @DDNC posted comments. They look and feel a lot more durable than I had expected.  As we know the locking lugs are not steel and "They are by no means circle 10's".

The mag appears to be very well designed and thought out as would be expected from FAB Defense. They have always done an excellent job with their polymer stocks and accessories, from my experience.

The lighter poly weight is approx 5.9oz empty as compared to an empty factory surplus aluminum mag weight of 6.6oz.

They fit snug in the mag well with a very tiny amount of play (side-ti-side wobble).  Obviously the aggressive design appears a bit bulkier, however they securely go in and out of a kydex speed holster easily (smoother than the OS aluminum mags).

The body has very minor flex from side to side. Could be helpful when I run over it with the wagon. I put the heel of one foot and all of my 210lbs of weight on the middle side of one and it flexed a bit when I went up and down on it, with no adverse result.

BHO works perfect - no issues.  Also releases with TBR with empty mag.

The bottom plate design looks pretty innovative and can be removed with bare hand by pushing in the sprint tab with a finger and sliding off the plate.  There are tabs on either side of the plate that fit into the molded plastic - very modern looking.

Spring looks decent -- it is different material and shorter length. I have fully loaded a mag yet and not cycled rounds through one either.

The clear plastic windows in the two sides appear to be integrated directly into the mag body mold, not just popped in or secured with adhesive.  The round count is molded into the mag body at 10, 20, and 30 rounds with hash marks at 15 and 25 rounds. You can see a slightly raised area around the clear plastic as if it is molded inside of the wall of mag body -- I could be wrong on this.

The inside surface is very smooth/slick plastic. Spring and follower have zero binding or resistance.

Made in Israel -- So a mag counts against three (3) imported 922R compliance parts, just like the original surplus magazines, however I believe a US poly follower from CPUSA may work in these reducing one part (I did not try it).   So perhaps 922R +2 with a US follower.   The base plate obviously can not be swapped out for a US part due to the unique design of the plate and the mag body itself, which is flat at the bottom where the BHO slot meet the base (unlike the original surplus).

It's good to see companies making modern accessories and parts for this great firearm, and a hat tip to FAB Defense for the first "upgraded" polymer mag offering. And if Zahal drops the 75rnd drum price down to under $80 I'll take my hat off.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 01:35:15 PM by CitizenPete »

The post above is opinion, and I am probably totally wrong, so please pardon me if I offend anyone in any way. I am speaking only for myself and just sharing my thoughts, not trying to start an argument with anyone, and if you disagree with anything I have said, I concede your correct.

Offline gwvt

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Re: Mako to be offering polymer VZ58 mags in 2016
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2016, 08:01:52 PM »
Thanks for the thorough report!

Offline Slovak93

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Re: Mako to be offering polymer VZ58 mags in 2016
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2016, 04:57:59 PM »
Got 3 of them today. Quality seems to be excellent and it only took 14 days (including weekends) to get here. Will load them up when I'm done working.

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Re: Mako to be offering polymer VZ58 mags in 2016
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2016, 10:37:12 PM »
OK. I just tried these and they don't even lock in the mag well. All 3 just fall out. They are fully loaded and I tried with the bolt open, closed and one in the chamber. What gives?? Any advice? I only have 7 days to return them.

Offline RSR

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Re: Mako to be offering polymer VZ58 mags in 2016
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2016, 03:55:31 AM »
Sure you received the VZ58 version?  I have received AK stuff when ordering FAB VZ stuff from dealers before...

If not the completely incorrect part, take a look at the rear locking lug and your mag release interplay.  Is it possible for you to manually pull the mag release back and lock the mag in?  If so, then it's an issue of that locking lug being too thick, or your mag release too tall.  You can fit either, though I'd suggest if hitting the mag release, get a spare one on hand before taking a file to it just in case it causes issues w/ the OE mags (haven't ever had to fit the VZ mag release...).

On AKs, one of the parts I always hand fit w/ any new rifle is the mag release -- and it requires a few passes of file, polish, and bluing -- to ensure it works with all the varying mags I want it to, without being too tight or for that matter too loose...

Ultimately, I have no complaints w/ the OE mags on the VZ58 so the FABs for me are a novelty...  YMMV.

Offline Slovak93

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Re: Mako to be offering polymer VZ58 mags in 2016
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2016, 06:40:09 PM »
Sure you received the VZ58 version?  I have received AK stuff when ordering FAB VZ stuff from dealers before...

If not the completely incorrect part, take a look at the rear locking lug and your mag release interplay.  Is it possible for you to manually pull the mag release back and lock the mag in?  If so, then it's an issue of that locking lug being too thick, or your mag release too tall.  You can fit either, though I'd suggest if hitting the mag release, get a spare one on hand before taking a file to it just in case it causes issues w/ the OE mags (haven't ever had to fit the VZ mag release...).

On AKs, one of the parts I always hand fit w/ any new rifle is the mag release -- and it requires a few passes of file, polish, and bluing -- to ensure it works with all the varying mags I want it to, without being too tight or for that matter too loose...

Ultimately, I have no complaints w/ the OE mags on the VZ58 so the FABs for me are a novelty...  YMMV.

Thanks RSR. That's exactly what's wrong. Instead of messing with the locking lug or the mag release, is there something I can do to the new mags?

Offline RSR

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Re: Mako to be offering polymer VZ58 mags in 2016
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2016, 11:01:17 PM »
Run your mag release back and forth manually to remove material until it works, and/or after doing that, get a high grit sandpaper to polish it.  I suppose a bit of silicone spray or similar on the rear locking lug wouldn't hurt either. 

EDIT: If VZ2008 or parts kit gun w/ used/unknown quality parts, maybe look into replacing your mag release spring w/ new or NOS as well...
« Last Edit: April 28, 2016, 11:03:11 PM by RSR »