Iwas confusing and missleading in my comments. What's new, right? After the trigger is pulled the S slams into the primer and continues on a couple thousandths to push on the B and press it into battery. However, before the S is released, there is no direct pressure from anything to keep the B in battery and pressed against the barrel. My LL drop/are pushed, down by the C underside hitting the LL but there is also a clearance between the C and LL at battery. In my gn the LL actually wedge in a little but they can be loosened by almost any force acting on the B. Chamber pressure should push the bolt back a few thousandths at least. As well, the C is mearly pressing down of it's own weight on the LL(if it is in contact) but if the LL try to move up then the C will lift quite a bit and let the B disengage from battery many thousandths.
In the grand scheme, the inertia of the C and B and the LL just sitting in battery will keep everything in place....I imagine. Otherwise there is a 20 thou head space. Do you recall my mentioning that when I finally bought head space gauges to support my builds I tried my D Tech for the first time? The B closed on the NO-GO gauge without flinching. Head spacing is a "most critical" feature that can result in the destruction of the gun, maiming and death at least in bolt guns. Really serious issue and the NO-GO gauge bothered me but I learned that after thousands of rounds down the barrel in a gun I was loving. No sense till I read an article that said that the all mil rounds were undercharged by design. Having replaced the barrel in that gun the gauges all read as they should and I am amazed at how far out of battery that NO-GO keeps the bolt. In all the chatter i recall that there were many that said that the NO-GO kept the C back 3/16ths and a few said 5/16ths while mine was @1/4 inch. Never got the feeling that the issue of just what was right was was resolved.
I bought plasti-gauge yesterday and I will get outg my dial indicator. By this afternoon I will advise on all the clearances in firm numbers. Then the real argument can begin on how to resolve any over clearances that may exist which was my point.
All in all this is headed towards accuracy as this gun shoots with no recoil and fires every time on sched and shows no sign of hurting itself. I had poor accuracy with the OEM barrel and found that it had a 313.5 bore for 308 bullets and should not have had any accuracy though 4 MOA was claimed by Mfr. and many said they did much better than that. I got maybe 12 MOA using every ammo in the book including spendy brass U ro pee'n stuff. I installed a new longer barrel with a 308 bore and broke it in right and i got 6-8 inch groups and a migraine. I actually duplicated a VZ 2008 like the kanucks but without the performance that is typical for them. I have spent enough time lapping bolt lugs and etc. in my guns, over the years, to know that minute clearances in bolts is critical and easily demonstrated in groups before-and-after. OK, I eliminated bullets, powders, brass, barrels, crowns and head space and the quest continues for 4MOA. I have verified ALL my performances with at least two other shooters at each step so my impressions are related to The Gun and not the shooter. All my guns shoot way better than I can except for this one and it is my favorite....almost. (Savage Striker in 6 mm BR is Top Dog)