Installed CGW's hammer in my P-09 last night. It took all of 30 minutes which is pretty darn fast for me. Watch out for that ejector spring, it will leap out if you aren't careful. Used Joe's videos to refresh my memory and confirm I was doing it right.
Both SA and DA are much improved, breaks like glass. Virtually all creep in my P-09 is gone. I used to be able to see the sear lift right before the stock hammer fell, not so with the new hammer. I do however noticed the DA pull is significantly heavy right before the break. It was there with the stock hammer but not as significant.
On a similar note: I have an older version of the CGW oversized roller. It was installed last year and exhibited similar heavy pull so it went back in the parts box.
Email to CGW pending. Maybe they have some suggestions, e.g. polish the trigger bar?
Still, I'm happy with the hammer at least dry firing it. Holding myself back from quitting work early to take it to the range.