neither of those options protects you as a buyer by the way. Due diligence on the purchase is all you have got. Guessing I have purchased from individuals on line nearly 100 time on gun related purchases and thousands on other individual on line purchases and have been burned twice as far as not getting anything shipped to me. The gun purchases have been Gunbroker and Armslist mostly other than local meet ups.
Postal Money order fraud goes after the person you bought from and prosecutes but does NOT do anything for the sender. Yes that was one of the got burned. He did go to jail. The other was $400 worth of radio control stuff from a guy in Cleveland. My wife worked for the airline at the time so being I fly for free I called the CPD. Officer worked on getting it done but could not so I flew in, he piked me up at the airport, found me a cheap suite at Marriote (he knew the manager) I signed the complaint and flew back home. He as arrested on December 20 and ended up staying in jail until after the new year. I got a full refund and he got probation.