I have both a 75B and a 97B-E that were modified by CGW to be SAO and I use the #5SAO trigger in both. I also have a CZ Custom Accu Shadow Lite that is DA/SA. The SAO triggers in the two CGW guns are my favorites of the three guns. I just shoot the SAO pistols better than I do the Shadow even though the weight of the SA trigger pull in the Shadow is very light. Except for an XDm and a GCW modified PCR, all my other semi-auto pistols are 1911 style guns so I probably shoot the SA guns better. I also like the flatter triggers in the 75 and 97 over the feel of the trigger in the Shadow.
Regardless of the trigger style you choose, you will really like the 97B-E when you get it in your hands. The Copperheads turn out really well too. All the Cerakote work on those is done by Bunker Arms, which is located where I live, and I've seen many of the CGW guns go through his shop. The color is a proprietary blend that he developed with CGW and will only put onto CGW guns. In fact, he did the Cerakote on my PCR when it was being built by CGW and I wanted it to be a Bi-Tone to look like my 75B and 97B-E which have hard chrome frames and black slides. At the time, they didn't have a good shop to do the work and I introduced them to Bunker Arms.