Hi all,
I purchased this gun back in 2013. We have a great outdoor range in Honolulu with pistol distances ranging from 25 to 100 yards. An adjustable sight makes things easier at these distances and the 97B originally came with a fixed sight. I recently sent it back to Dave to install the adjustable Kensight rear sight. This was an outstanding upgrade. Dave also installed a plain front sight that is .110 wide. The sight picture is perfect for my eyes.
My gun has Dave's full custom package. The trigger is match grade. The single action is as good as any tuned 1911 and the double action is light, and smooth all the way through.

I took it out today to see what kind of groups I could get. Here's the gun on my rest with the targets set out at the 50 yard line:

I was shooting Zero Lead SWC in 185 and 200 grain. And testing Titegroup, Bullseye and VV N310.

The gun is sweet. We had gusts up to 20mph. I wonder what it could do on a ransom rest on a calm day?
I finished up by shooting some groups at 25 yards.

Here's what Cajun Gun Works says about the gun:
"Built to run with high end 1911?s that cost 2-3 times more. Hand built into a precision firearm capable of match grade accuracy."
Yep, that sums it up. I think it's one of the best values out there. Awesome job Dave!