Author Topic: Really tight magazine release  (Read 1591 times)

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Offline robscz97b

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Really tight magazine release
« on: August 13, 2016, 12:19:12 AM »
Hi all,

Now that my sights are all dialed-in and I'm getting larger grips, the only other thing on my 97B that needs "improvement" is the magazine release system.  I would appreciate knowing if there is a mod to the existing components, or replacement components to improve the ease of release of the magazine.

A little background data:  I am right-handed and that is my primary firing/grip/trigger hand; I have very large hands and a long thumb, so I can easily reach the mag release button.  There have also been 500+ rounds of ammo put through the gun and I have six magazines, which all release in the same manner (that is, there does not seem to be any one particular mag that is either easier or more difficult). 

To eject a magazine, I need to hold the front of the frame/slide with my left hand while pressing the release button with my thumb or index finger on my right hand.  Although it doesn't take me over seven or eight seconds to change-out a magazine, I would like to be able to press the button with my right thumb and insert a full mag with my left hand in around two to three seconds.

Thanks to those who have experience with this - the only semi-autos I am used to are the 1911 I used decades ago, and a Beretta M84 I had 30 years ago - both had mag release systems that were easier for me to use/reload.


Offline zx9rt1

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Re: Really tight magazine release
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2016, 07:57:37 PM »
I'm also interested in this as well. Just picked up my new 97B and my mag release is a tough titty as well. It's not sticking or binding. You just have to push pretty hard on the release towards the very end of its travel.

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Offline robscz97b

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Re: Really tight magazine release
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2016, 11:11:05 PM »
zx9rt1 and anyone else interested,

I heard back from Cajun Gun Works today:

"We can make an extended mag release for that gun. That would make it easier to reach and the you would be set!  It's $35 for the mag release $15 for modifying and $7 for shipping."

Sounds pretty good, for the price of shipping the gun to West Monroe, LA and $57 to do the work and ship it back to me.  I think I'll take them up on this!

CGW's e-mail is:  if you'd like to contact them directly.


Offline zx9rt1

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Re: Really tight magazine release
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2016, 02:56:20 PM »
Thanks Rob! I will probably do the same. David is a standup guy for sure!

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Offline tdogg

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Re: Really tight magazine release
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2016, 02:21:05 AM »
I had CGW modify an extended mag release for my 97BD.  It is discussed in this thread:

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