Author Topic: CGW 97B-E Copperhead Grail Gun just ordered  (Read 3164 times)

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Offline Atl_Matt

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CGW 97B-E Copperhead Grail Gun just ordered
« on: June 13, 2016, 08:33:49 PM »
My first trip to the range with my new CZ 75 Custom Shadow (CZC) was an epiphany for me and it honestly soured me on just about every other gun in my collection - it was that much better than everything I'd ever trained with. 10K rounds later, I followed it up with a tricked out Compact for concealed carry. Both have been outstanding go-to guns for me - joys to shoot and constant companions at the range or local competitions.

 I've been kicking around finishing my CZ "shooters collection" with a 97B. Felt guilty because of how thrilled I was with my CZC but based on feedback on the forum, I finally called David today at Cajun. Amazing guy, great resource, wonderful example of all that is great about the CZ shooting community. He spent 30 minutes with me going over the options and we selected a 97B with both the E package, CGW rear sight and Copperhead treatment. This is probably going to be my last 45 and I wanted something special.

Now I just need to settle down and endure the 8-10 week wait. Very excited. Cheers, Matt

Offline Litespeeds

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Re: CGW 97B-E Copperhead Grail Gun just ordered
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2016, 02:06:57 AM »
You have made a great decision.  My 97B-E Copperhead single action only is easier to shoot more accurately than my WC 1911.

Offline Atl_Matt

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Re: CGW 97B-E Copperhead Grail Gun just ordered
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2016, 06:25:31 PM »
Hey Litespeed. I debated the single action only but I'm trying to keep the manual of arms identical across all of my CZ pistols so went DA/SA. Very excited about this pistol. My Shadow kind of dampened my love for 1911's and I haven't been shooting 45 nearly as much as I used to. Thinking this one might bring it full circle. Hoping so. Best, Matt

Offline Litespeeds

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Re: CGW 97B-E Copperhead Grail Gun just ordered
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2016, 02:05:48 AM »
You will definitely love the 97B after David does his magic.  I only have 2 1911's, Kimber and Wilson Combat, and have no desire to own anymore.  I find my Copperhead goes with me to the range more often as well as my CGW SP-01.  Enjoy your new CZ and definitely post a report when you get it.

Offline leftyk82

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Re: CGW 97B-E Copperhead Grail Gun just ordered
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2016, 10:40:54 AM »
Mine should be here soon :) 

« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 04:17:53 PM by leftyk82 »

Offline Atl_Matt

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Re: CGW 97B-E Copperhead Grail Gun just ordered
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2016, 06:55:41 PM »
Jealous - I'm trying to put this out of my mind for the next month or two - let me know what you think of it when you get "the call."  Best, Matt

Offline bigdipper

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Re: CGW 97B-E Copperhead Grail Gun just ordered
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2016, 11:24:09 PM »
Hey Litespeed. I debated the single action only but I'm trying to keep the manual of arms identical across all of my CZ pistols so went DA/SA. Very excited about this pistol. My Shadow kind of dampened my love for 1911's and I haven't been shooting 45 nearly as much as I used to. Thinking this one might bring it full circle. Hoping so. Best, Matt

My buddy has a Wilson that he loves, but he shoots my 97B better.  Another shooting buddy likes shooting .45's in general and my 97B is his favorite.  So much so, when we go to the range together I can never shoot my 97B.  He will not let me near it.

With the CZ rubber grips on it, I think this is my favorite CZ.  Fits my hand the best.   I like the feel better than my TS, SP-01, P-01, and 75B SA.

Offline Atl_Matt

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Re: CGW 97B-E Copperhead Grail Gun just ordered
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2016, 08:53:37 AM »
Hey Litespeed. I debated the single action only but I'm trying to keep the manual of arms identical across all of my CZ pistols so went DA/SA. Very excited about this pistol. My Shadow kind of dampened my love for 1911's and I haven't been shooting 45 nearly as much as I used to. Thinking this one might bring it full circle. Hoping so. Best, Matt

My buddy has a Wilson that he loves, but he shoots my 97B better.  Another shooting buddy likes shooting .45's in general and my 97B is his favorite.  So much so, when we go to the range together I can never shoot my 97B.  He will not let me near it.

With the CZ rubber grips on it, I think this is my favorite CZ.  Fits my hand the best.   I like the feel better than my TS, SP-01, P-01, and 75B SA.

Well, if this gun feels and shoots better than my SP-01, then I'll be totally blown away because my CZC SP01 Shadow is without a doubt the gold standard for me of all pistols in terms of fit, feel and how I naturally point and shoot the gun, whether it's aimed, slow fire or rapid double/triple taps - it has (as yet) no equals.

Since I decided to invest in this and get in line, I got in restless waiting mode. So of course I sprung for another CZ product (BREN 805) which should keep me busy until this arrives. Just like the 5 year old my wife says I am - distract me so I don't get frustrated and I'll be fine ;-) Best, Matt

Offline leftyk82

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Re: CGW 97B-E Copperhead Grail Gun just ordered
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2016, 02:36:01 PM »
Got my snake today.  Very pleased!!!

Offline Atl_Matt

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Re: CGW 97B-E Copperhead Grail Gun just ordered
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2016, 09:11:53 PM »
Got the call yesterday to confirm the build, the trigger weights and confirm shipping. Having kittens - come on Thursday !!!  As an aside for anyone thinking of this, the CGW contacts I've had have been the best of any build I've ever had done - and trust me I've spent some serious dollars on this silly hobby with builders who have incredible reputations. They nailed the timing, were consummate pros and a true pleasure to interact with. They were so good that even if their product turns out just OK, I'm still a huge fan now. More to come. Matt

Offline leftyk82

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Re: CGW 97B-E Copperhead Grail Gun just ordered
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2016, 04:17:32 PM »
Got the call yesterday to confirm the build, the trigger weights and confirm shipping. Having kittens - come on Thursday !!!  As an aside for anyone thinking of this, the CGW contacts I've had have been the best of any build I've ever had done - and trust me I've spent some serious dollars on this silly hobby with builders who have incredible reputations. They nailed the timing, were consummate pros and a true pleasure to interact with. They were so good that even if their product turns out just OK, I'm still a huge fan now. More to come. Matt

Where's the (picture) proof?  Ha, congrats on the call!